Latest articles from Lyle Karasiuk

Summer Fun!


Get outside and enjoy the summer is likely a message shared by many families. Whether at the lake, on a road trip, visiting friends and family or in your own back yard, have fun! However, do not put safety on the back burner.

During the summer, children often create their own adventures. Climbing trees, building a fort, going on a scavenger hunt or a bike ride in the neighborhood. Every adventure has its own set of risks. Prevent and reduce injuries by:

  • Wear a properly fitting helmet for cycling or skateboarding – one that is just above the eyebrow, flat on the head, straps form a V around the ears and snug under the chin.
  • Crossing the street is a simple action but stopping to look both ways is first and very important.
  • Teach your children that they need to let mom, dads and care givers know where they are headed such as headed across the street to friends or biking to the park.
  • Motorists, please slow down in residential areas or at the lake. We have lots of people out walking, cycling and taking in the sites.

Drowning is a leading cause of accidental death. At the beach put the phone or book away and watch your kids. The same goes for the back yard pool no matter how deep the water. Simple actions like loading the boat at the dock while the children ‘run around’ could be a disaster. Keep an eye on the children! Basic swimming lessons are essential as are wearing a life jacket, for everyone, while out in the boat. Leave the booze at the cabin and not in the boat. Penalties are the same as driving a motor vehicle. So please don’t drink and boat.

Summer fun might also include visits to many provincial sites, tourist attractions, museums or other public venues. If outdoors be sure to pack along hat, sunscreen, water bottle and of course good walking shoes. Flip flops are not good shoes for walking on trails nor is that brand new pairs of runners either. Wearing the ‘right gear for the right adventure’ is important. If out for a hike know where you are going. Have a plan to let other know when you are expected to return but more importantly as unlikely as it might be things can go wrong. In your backpack have a couple extra large garbage bags. They can double as a rain poncho. Matches to start a fire might prove useful too. But most importantly if you become lost hug a tree, simple stay where you are. If you are an avid hiker, then you should be prepared for an emergency. Some basic first aid supplies to control bleeding and splinting are the likeliest types of injuries.

Staying hydrated is essential during the summer eat. While a cool beer on the patio might taste pretty good, it really is not something that hydrates you all that well. Good old fashioned water and lots of it is what is needed. Find a cool place for some shade, spray park or pool, visit a public library or common area in your apartment building. Don’t forget to check on neighbors, friends or the person across the street. Get the activities like gardening done early in the day vs the hottest afternoons. You might also want to add some hearing protection, a hat and sunscreen too!

Knowing what to do in an emergency is not being prepared with a first aid kit but also having some training. Let us help you with First Aid Basics, a noncertified information session. A standard first aid course or more advanced training like an emergency medical responder. We have courses available, please give us a call for details!

A lesson in staying safe


Summer is surely going to appear this year and more time to enjoy the beach, the boat or the backyard deck. With every activity we do, there is risk. Yep, mowing the lawn comes with risk, maybe less than shingling the roof, but there is still risk.

For example, you’re putting down some new vinyl flooring in the basement. It looks like a pretty easy ‘home handy person’ job. Flooring, glue, place it done. Did you read the label on the container of glue? Is it flammable? Does it require sufficient ventilation? Do you need to wear gloves or a mask? The manufacturer of any product is always required to tell you what safety precautions are needed. First piece of advice read the label. Yes, gentleman we are bad at reading instructions. Do yourself and family a favor, read the label.

Did you know that a lawnmower is a pretty loud? Wearing hearing protection is a great idea as is good footwear. How many of us might hurry home from work, grab something to eat and pack up the family to head out to the lake for the weekend. Looking around the yard, saying to yourself, geez that lawn should be mowed. So, in your flip flops and board shorts you get started. Not a great idea. One slip and off might go some toes. Ouch!!!

I’m reminded of a true story of a man who needed to get onto his roof to do some roof work. His ladder was too short so he placed it on top of a few pallets and a table. It seemed safe so up onto the roof he headed.

When it came time to get off the roof, he looked down and thought to himself, that’s not safe. Using his cell phone he called his wife inside the house. His wife walked out and walked back into the house. He thought that’s odd, so he waited, and he waited. Off in the distance he heard sirens, which steadily got louder and louder. Till in front of his house arrived an ambulance, fire truck and police car. He later learned that his wife called 9-1-1 determined to educate her husband that what he did wasn’t safe. He did admit that the neighbor has a great extension ladder, but he was just too lazy to go borrow it. Before you start a project, repair, a home renovation, have a word with yourself and do things safely.

With summer, we often taken on the little projects such as repair the fence, cut down a few trees, maybe even build a new deck, use power tools with sharp blades. If you have small children around, they often want to help. They also might want to copy dad as he saws a board. With dad’s back turned to measure something a power saw or drill can be easily picked up by a small child and become a dangerous object in their small ahnds. Supervisor or don’t allow children in the work area. Unplug power equipment when it’s not being used.

With warmer weather a backyard pool, trip to the beach or even public swimming area always requires your attention. Keep your eyes on your children at all times. Don’t grab the iPad or a good book and park under your umbrella as the kids venture out into the water. No matter how deep, water can be dangerous.

At the park, in the back yard, at the beach or out for a hike, be prepared. Bug spray, hats, plenty of water, a whistle to summon help or scare a bear, all might be essential. Discover Saskatchewan one adventure at a time. Have a safe day!

Let’s celebrate Paramedic Services Week


It’s Paramedic Services Week, this week across Saskatchewan and Canada. Thank you to the amazing, talented, caring, and dedicated paramedics that call Parkland Ambulance Care their “work” home.

Many people have likely experienced or heard about the life saving skills of our paramedics but what training does a paramedic have? Currently most Saskatchewan Primary Care Paramedics are graduates of SK Poly Tech Primary Care Paramedic (PCP) 51-week program. They learn a high degree of medical assessment, learn about numerous medical problems, have skills to use many pieces of specialized equipment and are versed in care from neonatal persons to adults. In an ever-changing world, paramedics must be adaptable, precise, competent, understanding, and ready for just about anything that is presented to them. Then we have other Advanced Care Paramedics who train longer and have more ‘advanced’ skills. Together, our team of paramedics is ready to care for your medical needs.

As the situations are diverse, so too is the environment in which our paramedics work. Most of the time the men and women of Parkland Ambulance Care work from their mobile office aka the ambulance. They bring advanced medical care to you whether that be your backyard, office, or workplace. Our team also provides many interfacility transfers for persons who need additional medical care in another location. But the team can be seen in other diverse environments like a standby for hockey, softball or bull riding, Prince Albert City Police detention or part of the Prince Albert police tactical team. Unique and diverse roles have paramedics working in the comforts of your home as paramedics in the community. In partnership with the Saskatchewan Health Authority and your family physician, a paramedic might visit you at home for lab work, ECG, and other medical assessments. The evolution of paramedic care is not just calling for help and the “helpers” showing up at your door. While that plays a large part of the paramedic’s job, the profession has evolved.

The acuity of the paramedic role and the demands of higher call volume, present new challenges for the paramedic. Caring for those in need also asks who’s caring for the paramedic? Fortunately for the team members of Parkland Ambulance Care, we have an awesome employee and family assistance strategy. It’s okay to be not okay after a rough day. Supporting each other and or relying on outside support helps our team navigate these challenges. Our leadership team recognizes the needs of the awesome team and works hard to have a family like atmosphere within our workplace. Caring is sharing and being there for the team not just while at work, is important for our organization. “We Care” not just for you but for each other too.

This year Parkland Ambulance Care will celebrate 50 fantastic years of service. From very small and humble beginnings, we have grown to a modern, technologically advanced organization. We have a tremendous team in our Medical Communications and Coordination Center, one of three centers in Saskatchewan. There is an administrative support team that handles the front office. Then there is a team of over 70 paramedics and growing. When we look back where we came from the person who answered your call for help might have been the same person who responded to the ambulance call, then did all the paperwork in the front office. We honour our past but forge a fantastic future ahead. We are truly blessed with a fantastic team. We say thank you to everyone who helped us grow through the past 50 years. 50 years ago, Parkland Ambulance Care was a small and mighty team with a couple vehicles. Today we have the “the best” team of professionals who utilize the most modern technology in ways never imagined 50 years ago. During Paramedic Service Week, we, as an organization, are thankful for many things. We are exceptionally proud of the incredible team of paramedics, communications specialists, and administrative staff. Without these people we would not be able to provide the amazing caring professional service you receive each and every day.

‘When it rains, it pours’: old saying often true for emergency responders


It is two very exciting weeks. First it is National Public Safety Telecommunicators week. Second it is National Volunteer Week. National Public Safety Telecommunicators week recognizes all those who answer the call for help! We offer congratulations to public safety dispatchers at many other agencies in this province.

Our team of dedicated professional telecommunication specialists manage many facets of the medical communications and coordination in our centre here in the northern part of the province. Together with our colleagues in Saskatoon and Regina, the three centres share the provincial medical communication and coordination role.

Our team answers on average about 1,000 incidents per week in a highly choreographed and technologically advanced centre. When your call for medical assistance is received, the team works hard to send the right resources to you as quickly as possible

 It might sound strange that someone has injured themselves at work and we are sending you the correct resource but think of it this way. We have distinct levels of paramedics providing different skills and the paramedics are not just at a station waiting for your call. The communications team correctly and accurately needs to coordinate getting you help quickly.

In the rural area other agencies like first responders, rural fire departments or RCMP might become involved due to the nature of the call. Everyone needs to be coordinated efficiently and effectively. Then major incidents like a tragedy on the James Smith Cree Nation taken even more resources to ensure the safe and efficient care of all. The role of our medical communications specialists can be a challenge. But our team with their training and professionalism is up for the challenge.

Oh, and we need you to know our team is not just dealing with one incident at a time. The old saying when it rains it pours is often true for our team. Paramedics in Prince Albert might be dealing with several incidents but so can the paramedics in Spiritwood, Melfort or Nipawin, all locations managed by our medical communications centre.

Our team of professionals are here to help. Their commitment to you is that you will receive prompt attention in a timely manner from professionals who care about you and want to do everything they can to help you in your time of need. Congratulations to the team at Parkland Ambulance Care Medical Communications and Coordination Centre.

You can help us help you by staying on the phone to answer questions but know once we know where you are help is on the way. Give clear directions to your emergency even if you are in an apartment building where one entrance is closer than another to your suite. If you are in the rural area directions to your home, difficult road conditions because of weather or flooding. Tell us if a bystander for example knows first aid and is able to help. All these things help us help you!

This week is also National Volunteer week. From street fairs to school classroom visits, the team at Parkland Ambulance Care engages in our community. We thank our many volunteers who offer their time in other ways such as volunteer coaches for a child’s hockey team. Caring is part of who we are professionals but giving back to our community is just as important. We are proud to be part of the community. Thank you Parkland Ambulance Paramedics and Telecommunicators for supporting the community. Be safe!

Staying safe as we swing into spring


It’s spring, or is it? The weather certainly has changed to ‘summer like’ temperatures. This sudden swing, while great for those wanting to get outside, can be a headache for others.

A sudden switch to spring/summer temperatures can increase the chance of flooding, difficult road conditions and thin ice on any body of water. Help us be able to help you with a few important tips.

Now is the time to keep children, pets and us away from dug outs, sloughs, lakes and any body of water. When we see water pooling on the ice surface it’s time to stay off the ice. If you do have to venture onto the ice, and you hear cracking underfoot go back the way you came.

Rescuing someone should be left to the professionals but that may not always be possible. Extend your reach with a tree branch, rope, anything you can toss and pull back towards you. Stay low to the ground. If you fall into the icy cold waters, getting past the shock of the cold is the first obstacle. Then getting out is of critical importance. If you can find some way to pull yourself up onto the ice surface. Next getting warm and dry is essential.

With many students on easter break, we have bikes and boards out all over the city streets. Motorists, please slow down in residential areas. Those using boards and bikes it’s important you have some safety reminders too! A helmet is essential to reduce the degree of injury. Make sure you have a properly fitted helmet. The rules of the road don’t just apply to cars but cyclists as well. Use proper hand signals, ride on the correct side of the road, stop at all stop lights and stop signs and if riding after dark be seen so wear something bright.

Spring signals the increased chances of allergic reactions to dust, mold and other spring events. Your pharmacist might a good first choice to find the relief you need. From decongestants to antihistamines there may be a solution to help your breath better. If you are having trouble breathing and it’s not related to an existing medical condition, consider calling 8-1-1 for some helpful advice. Paramedics are always available when the shortness of breath is unrelieved by over-the-counter products, or your prescribed medications are not helping you feel better. Folks who have asthma might not be a fan of all the new dust and pollens occurring with spring. When your regular medications just are not doing the trick a visit to your family doctor might be in order to easy the discomfort.

Spring is the time went we might start cleaning up the yard or opening out buildings such as sheds that normally are not used in the winter months. When you open these for the first time, let the air flow for some time to ‘air out the place.’ Rodents who might have sought shelter have likely theft droppings. Deer mice can carry hantavirus! A reminder that cleaning out these areas requires us to wear properly fitting masks.

As you enjoy spring, remember that things such as broken bottles, glass or other sharp objects such as needles may become evident. Properly removing them from harming others is not a difficult task. A few simple precautions are required. The Canadian Center for Occupational Safety has some great advice!

Till next time, be safe!

Healthy winter travels


As Saskatchewan residents we love to travel, especially in the winter. Even though it has been an incredibly mild winter many residents have left on or soon will travel away.

Whether it is for a few weeks or the entire winter, we all need to be prepared. One beautiful drink at a resort with contaminated water can make a miserable vacation or worse.

Before you leave, visit your family doctor well in advance for any preventative vaccinations. Such vaccinations like tetanus and diphtheria are a must. If traveling to Africa or countries in South America consider vaccination for yellow fever as well. Many vaccinations may not be easily accessible or require time to become effective so don’t visit your doctor the week before the trip.

Of course, don’t forget your passport, as it is the safest and recognizable form of identification. It is always a good idea to ask your travel agent, tour operator or resort for guidance on safe eating and drinking practices. Off the beaten path on a personal excursion might cause great illness if you don’t take proper precautions. In Prince Albert we have a special international travel health clinic where medical advice is available. To access those services, call 765-6500.

Do you have the right medical coverage? What if you got sick or ill and needed to see a doctor or worse had to stay in a hospital? Most insurance agents can help you find the right coverage for your needs.

Don’t assume your existing plan covers you for extend stays outside of Canada! Some plans cover only a specific period and additional or extended stay coverage is required. In Canada, we take it for granted that a trip to a doctor is covered by our provincial health plan. Not so in the United States or other vacation spots.

If you do have a special medical condition that requires medication, make sure you’ve got a sufficient supply in a properly labeled container for your trip. Don’t assume you can “pick some up” while at your vacation destination. If the medication is essential don’t pack it with your checked luggage should it become lost or delayed at your destination.

Along with your bathing suit and flip flops don’t forget to pack along some sun screen, mosquito repellant, a wide brimmed hat and proper clothing for all types of weather. It’s a good idea to ensure that friends and family know how to reach you in case of an emergency. Of course, don’t forget to safe guard your home with family and friends or even a private security service.

Travel Tips:

  • Watch what you eat and drink; make hot food is served hot and cold food cold especially from buffet where the temperature can vary, or food is left out for extended periods.
  • Wash your hands frequently and consider hand sanitizers when possible.
  • Prescription medication in its original container and a copy of the written prescription
  • A standard first aid kit
  • Anti-diarrhea medication
  • Antihistamine
  • Anti-motion sickness medication
  • A generic pain medication such as ibuprofen
  • A list of important phone numbers
  • Your passport
  • Spare contact lens or prescription eye glasses

For more travel information especially areas where you might not want to travel due to the political situation of the country or medical problems, visit You can even sign up for alerts. Have a safe, warm and restful winter vacation. We hope you come back with plenty of great memories!

It’s a time to be jolly


With Christmas fast approaching it is time to ensure your holiday is not affected by tragedy. Ensuring the safety of loved ones and guests is important at any time of year but Christmas brings added hustle and bustle to everyone’s house.

  • Prevent choking:  For children especially, small toys and special foods can be an accident waiting to happen.  Ensure toys are appropriate for the age of the child and won’t create a danger for younger children in the household. Don’t put out nuts or candies when young children are expected, and don’t allow children to run around with food in their hands or mouth.  Learn basic first aid, so you know how to help a choking victim.
  • Buckle up – During the holiday season, more people are on streets and highways. Wearing a seat belt may prevent injury in a motor vehicle collision. Ensure that all passengers are wearing safety belts. Seat children in the back seat of the car and in approved safety seats.
  • Enroll in a First Aid & CPR course – Although these tips can help prevent an emergency, it is also important to be prepared should an emergency arise. Consider a first aid gift certificate available from our office.

Cold weather is something we must deal with every winter. Dress for the weather during the holidays and all winter long can prevent injury. Don’t forget extra blankets, clothes and safety gear when traveling this Christmas.

  • Dress in layers with an insulating layer and water/wind proof outer shell. You can always remove layers as the temperature increases or due to exercise
  • Cover your head as we loose 65% of our heat from our head
  • Be sure to cover your face and neck, but avoid strangulation hazards with long toques, scarves and draw strings on hoods. Tuck them into the jacket.
  • Always know the weather forecast before you venture out, be cautious of increased wind chill values
  • If clothes get wet remove them as soon as possible to prevent hypothermia
  • Watch for frostbite, areas of skin that are discolored, appear white or are painful to the touch. Never rub affected areas.
  • If the person displays any unusual behavior while being outside for extended periods of time, suspect hypothermia. Bring them to warm shelter, warm them and call for immediate medical assistance.

Winter Sports

  • Helmets are important when tobogganing or sledding. Look for one that is rated for cold weather and for similar type falls and speeds. There are now multi-sport helmets.
  • Choose a hill that is cleared of trees, rocks and other dangers. Make sure there is plenty of stopping distance when you reach the bottom away from roads and streets
  • Never slide down when the area in front of you is obstructed with people
  • When you reach the bottom quickly and carefully get up and move out of others way.
  • For other winter sports like snowboarding and skiing: know the area, stay on marked trails, make sure equipment is good working order, observe for hazards and always where the proper gear especially a helmet.

Wishing you a terrific holiday season, one that is merry and bright. Merry Christmas from the management and staff of Parkland Ambulance Care. Have a safe holiday!

November is CPR Month

While watching TV Joe suddenly begins to have an excruciating pain in his chest. He turns to his wife of 43 years and says, “Martha I think I’m having …” and his voice trails off. Joe slumps over on the couch just as Martha walks into the living room.

“Oh my gosh, Joe what’s wrong,” she says as she frantically tries to wake him.

Grabbing the cordless phone, she dials 9-1-1 and is transferred to the communications specialist at Parkland Ambulance Care.

“Paramedics are on the way,” a calm voice tries to reassure Martha. “Do you know how to do CPR,” the voice asks?

“No,” she replies

“Let me help you,” the voice reassures her.

Too often the situation described above occurs in living rooms across our city. Most cardiac arrests will happen at home to someone you know such as a spouse or grandparent. For those situations that happen in public places such as a workplace having trained rescuers is not only important it’s good business.

During the month of November Parkland Ambulance and many other agencies will be promoting CPR and encouraging everyone to take a course. In as little as one minute, yes minutes you can learn a skill which when used may save the life of someone you know or give a stranger or fellow co-worker a chance to enjoy life in a brand-new way.

Compression only CPR is as easy as putting one hand on top of the other hand and placing both on the center of the person’s chest and pushing down. That’s it. Is that easy!

When sudden illness does strike your prompt, action can mean the difference between life and death. Recognize these symptoms and take immediate action:

• Heavy squeezing chest pain

• Nausea or vomiting

• Dizziness

• Pale, moist skin

• Denial – that this cannot be happening to you.

If you or someone you are with experiences any or all these symptoms immediately stop all activity, rest, take any prescribed medications and dial 9-1-1.  The paramedics of Parkland Ambulance Care will respond quickly to your emergency. But your actions are important. Do not be the face lost in the crowd that will not help. Do something, anything, as anything will make a difference.

If you have an existing heart condition, your physician has likely given you instructions on what to do prior to calling for help or going to the emergency room. There is scientific evidence to support chewing one or two ASA if you think you are having a heart attack. Consult your physician for your exact medical needs.

If the person suddenly loses consciousness and is not breathing, CPR must be started immediately. If the public or workplace has an automated external defibrillator (AED) send someone to get it. Follow the instructions of the machine or from the trained bystanders to use the AED effectively. Early CPR combined with Early Defibrillation followed up by rapid paramedic response will save lives. If you did nothing, for every minute that person was left lying on the floor not breathing and with no pulse their chance of survival decreases by 7-10%.

Good health such as getting some exercise, eating well, staying home when sick, keeping up to date on your immunizations all can contribute to good heart health. Winter season when we spend more time indoors increases the risks of cough and colds. Oddly respiratory problems which decrease your blood oxygen might contribute to poor heart health. Conditions like getting pneumonia significantly can reduce your breathing capacity. Staying healthy is important!

Learn CPR and First Aid. We can help! We offer regular first aid courses. Give us a call. Maybe your group wants a simple community presentation. We can help with that too as not everyone needs “certification”, but everyone should “know” what to do. In an emergency time is precious. Every little thing that you can do can and will make a difference. We’ll do our part, but we can use your help too!

Trick or Treat!


In a few short days little, and even large, ghosts or goblins will be visiting your door. Halloween is that fun time when we can wear costumes, celebrating the season! But making Halloween a safe time for all little visitors is essential. Here’s what you can do:

  • Plan a route with your children so you know where they are always. Set a time to return home.
  • Children follow that route – don’t take short cuts through back alleys or unlit parks.
  • Children over nine should always go out as a group or have adult supervision. Younger children should always be supervised.
  • Children visit houses that are well lit and never go inside the house.
  • The temptation to dart across the street “for better treats” on the other side is great but always cross at the corner and look both ways before crossing the street.
  • Motorists, please slow down in residential areas and be alert for the goblins running around.
  • Parents, it might be a good idea to sew some reflective fabric to any costume.
  • Children should always carry a flashlight and in case of an emergency a whistle to signal for help.
  • Be aware of strangers!
  • Pick a costume that has bright fabrics so that the child can be seen.
  • Avoid costumes that are long with loose sleeves, pants or skirts. Check to see that the costume is flame resistant.
  • Avoid carrying props such as a sword, knife or gun. It is one more thing to carry and might be mistaken for the real thing.
  • Make sure each goblin wears proper footwear and dresses according to the weather.
  • Consider face paint or make-up instead of a mask so that the child can see clearly. If the child is wearing a wig, hat or scarf make sure it is secured tightly – they can see and ear too!
  • When decorating your yard or house avoid pumpkins with candles instead consider a flashlight or electric light.
  • Pets will be excited as guests come to the door. Consider placing them in a room out of harm’s way.
  • If the weather is bad, make sure to keep steps and walkways free from debris.
  • Instead of trick or treaty consider a neighborhood party for the children complete with games, treats and scary videos.
  • Instead of giving away candy, use stickers, trading cards, activity sheets, gift certificates or other creative items.
  • Make sure that the children do not eat any of the treats until they are examined by an adult. Throw out any unwrapped items, have torn or loose packaging or that appears to have small holes in the wrappers. Don’t let children eat homemade treats unless you know the source who provided them.

Halloween is supposed to be a fun time. Don’t let an incident like a fall ruin the day. For those adults choosing to celebrate Halloween either at one of the local bars or during a house party at home, make sure you plan a safe ride home. Have a designated driver or take a taxi. Have a safe Halloween night!

Get your flu shot!


Influenza (or flu) is a common respiratory illness affecting millions of Canadians each year. Getting an influenza vaccination (or flu shot) every year can help prevent the infection or reduce the severity of the illness. Influenza is a respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus. Various strains of the virus circulate throughout the world year-round, causing local outbreaks. Although most of these people recover completely, an estimated 500-1500 Canadians, die every year from pneumonia related to flu and many others may die from other serious complications of flu.

The influenza virus spreads through droplets that have been coughed or sneezed into the air by someone who has the flu. You can get the flu by breathing in these droplets through your nose or mouth, or by the droplets landing directly on your eyes. The flu virus is also found on the hands of people with the flu and on surfaces they have touched. You can become infected if you shake hands with infected persons or touch contaminated surfaces and transfer the virus to your own eyes, nose, or mouth.

Many people use the terms “flu” or “stomach flu” to describe other illnesses that may be a cold or a mild case of food poisoning. There is no such thing as “stomach flu.” A true case of influenza typically starts with a headache, chills, and cough, which are followed rapidly by fever, loss of appetite, muscle aches and fatigue, runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and throat irritation. Children may have nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, but these symptoms are uncommon in adults. Most people recover within a week or ten days. However, some are at greater risk for more severe and longer-lasting complications, such as pneumonia. The groups at greater risk include very young children, people over 65, and people who already have medical conditions, such as chronic respiratory disease, heart or kidney disease, diabetes or a depressed immune system because of cancer, HIV infection, or some other cause.

The most effective way to protect yourself from flu is to be vaccinated each year in the fall. Flu shots are especially important for:

  • adults and children with chronic heart and lung disease
  • anyone living in a nursing home or long-term care facility.
  • people 65 years of age and older
  • people with chronic conditions such as diabetes, anemia, cancer, immune suppression, HIV, or kidney disease
  • children and adolescents on long term acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) therapy
  • health care workers, other caregivers, and household contacts capable of transmitting influenza to the above at-risk groups
  • people at high risk of influenza complications who are traveling to areas where the flu virus is likely to be circulating.

Certain groups should not be vaccinated. These include children less than six months of age and people who have had a severe allergic reaction to eggs or a previous dose of the vaccine. Always consult with your family doctor or public health for specific guidance to your medical needs or requirements as it pertains to vaccinations.

Regular hand washing is another way to help minimize your risk. By washing your hands often, you will reduce your chance of becoming infected after touching contaminated surfaces. Wearing a mask in crowded public places can help. The benefits of flu shots far outweigh the risks. The primary reason to get a flu shot is to protect yourself from health effects related to flu. Saskatchewan Health Authority states flu vaccine will be available across Saskatchewan While you are getting your flu shot consider getting your COVID booster too. New also is the RSV vaccination. If you are wondering what is right for you or how to get your vaccinations, please consult the SHA public health folks. Please visit your local pharmacy or contact public health for a list of clinics and times in your local area. If you have any questions about your health and this is not a medical emergency, please call 8-1-1. Get your flu shot!

Wishing everyone a family filled Thanksgiving weekend! Have some wonderful family time and safe travels!

Putting your best foot forward

Moms and Dad’s are excited while children are apprehensive; it’s one of the most wonderful times of the year. It’s Back to School time! Hundreds of children will walk to and from school every day – slow down to posted speed limit in all school zones. Hey, it’s a pretty good rule to follow in all residential areas where children are playing.

Children under the age of nine often have not developed the skills necessary to cross the street safely by themselves. Their sight, hearing, height, perception, and mental development are not the same as adults, and this decreases their ability to make safe judgments about traffic. Children, from an early age, need to learn how to cross a street safely, through repetition and encouragement. A child under the age of nine should always be accompanied adults or older children whenever they cross the street.

So how do we teach children to cross a street safely?

  • Stop at the corner.
  • Never cross between parked cars – if there is a marked crosswalk always use it even if it is a little further down the street.
  • If the corner is supervised by school patrollers – always obey their instructions.
  • Look left then look right for vehicles that maybe approaching.
  • Make eye contact with drivers so you know that they see you and they know that you see them.
  • Make sure cars come to a complete stop before you start to cross the road.
  • Walk, don’t run as you cross the street and continue to look both ways as you cross.

Many children will be riding the school bus to and from school each day. A few simple reminders can make their ride a safe one too!

  • Stay back from the designated bus stop – off the road and out of approaching traffic.
  • If waiting in line, wait quietly no pushing or shoving.
  • Make sure that the bus driver can see you.
  • Wait till the bus driver activates the warning lights and flashing stop arm – In the City of Prince Albert school busses do not use the flashing red lights and stop arm (Bylaw 54 of 1983), so always stop when a school bus is loading or unloading.
  • While on the bus do not yell and shout.
  • Never walk around while the bus is moving.
  • When you leave the bus – walk at least 3 meters (10 feet) in front of the bus so you can be seen and stop look both ways before going to the opposite side of the street.

Whether our children walk to school or ride the bus, a few extra safety precautions can make the difference. Remember to buckle up while riding in a vehicle. Parents – just because school has started doesn’t mean your child needs to be removed from his or her booster seat. Many children might ride in a booster seat till at least age nine.

It’s all about height and weight. It is law in Saskatchewan that children must use a booster until age 7 or weigh 36 kgs. (80 lbs.) AND stand 145 cm (4’9”) tall.

Children will be safer if they continue to use a booster beyond the legal requirement, until the seat belt fits them properly. Don’t be surprised when your son or daughter says, “How come my friends don’t ride in a car seat?” Everyone is a different height and weight. All vehicles and car seats are different too!

Welcome back to school. Have a great school year!

Summer Fun!


Get outside and enjoy the summer is likely a message shared by many families. Whether at the lake, on a road trip, visiting friends and family or in your own back yard, have fun! However, do not put safety on the back burner.

In a rush to get the family ready for a trip to the lake, one might look at the grass and say, ‘a quick trip with the lawn mower and it will be good till we get home.’ Proceeding to attack the grass wearing flip flops might not work out so well in the end. Proper footwear is essential. You might also want to add some hearing protection, a hat and sunscreen too!

During the summer, children often create their own adventures. Climbing trees, building a fort, going on a scavenger hunt or a bike ride in the neighborhood. Every adventure has its own set of risks. Prevent and reduce injuries by:

  • Wear a properly fitting helmet for cycling or skateboarding – one that is just above the eyebrow, flat on the head, straps form a V around the ears and snug under the chin.
  • Crossing the street is a simple action but stopping to look both ways is first and very important.
  • Teach your children that they need to let mom, dads and care givers know where they are headed such as headed across the street to friends or biking to the park.
  • Motorists, please slow down in residential areas or at the lake. We have lots of people out walking, cycling and taking in the sites.

Drowning is a leading cause of accidental death. At the beach put the phone or book away and watch your kids. The same goes for the back yard pool no matter how deep the water. Simple actions like loading the boat at the dock while the children ‘run around’ could be a disaster. Keep an eye on the children! Basic swimming lessons are essential as are wearing a life jacket, for everyone, while out in the boat. Leave the booze at the cabin and not in the boat. Penalties are the same as driving a motor vehicle. So please don’t drink and boat.

Summer fun might also include visits to many provincial sites, tourist attractions, museums or other public venues. If outdoors be sure to pack along hat, sunscreen, water bottle and of course good walking shoes. Flip flops are not good shoes for walking on trails nor is that brand new pairs of runners either. Wearing the ‘right gear for the right adventure’ is important. If out for a hike know where you are going. Have a plan to let other know when you are expected to return but more importantly as unlikely as it might be things can go wrong. In your backpack have a couple extra large garbage bags. They can double as a rain poncho. Matches to start a fire might prove useful too. But most importantly if you become lost hug a tree, simple stay where you are. If you are an avid hiker, then you should be prepared for an emergency. Some basic first aid supplies to control bleeding and splinting are the likeliest types of injuries.

Knowing what to do in an emergency is not being prepared with a first aid kit but also having some training. Let us help you with First Aid Basics, a noncertified information session. A standard first aid course or more advanced training like an emergency medical responder. We have courses available, please give us a call for details!

Garage Sales: know what you can sell … and what you can’t

So you want to have a garage sale. You’ve got the stuff, you’ve picked the date, you’ve set the prices and the sale is started. But wait… is everything you have out for sale legally able to be sold?

Health Canada and various other government agencies through laws and regulation state some items cannot be legally sold or even given away. Before you buy or sell know what you are able to sell.

This article only gives a small sample of some of the regulations for more detailed information visit and get the facts. To ensure accuracy in reporting some information has been copied directly from the Health Canada web site.

Car Seats

Car seats must have a National Safety Mark and meet current regulatory requirements. Remember that it is illegal to sell car seats that do not meet the current regulatory requirements. You should always check with the manufacturer before selling a car seat.

Car seats must come with warnings, guidelines for use, installation instructions, and date of manufacture. Do not sell a car seat that is past the lifespan recommended by the manufacturer or that has been in a vehicle during a collision.

Before selling a used car seat, check with Transport Canada (1-800-333-0371 or for more information and to find out if the car seat has been recalled. Also, be sure that it is in good condition with no missing parts and with functioning anchoring systems.

Children’s Sleepwear

Do not sell loose-fitting children’s sleepwear made of cotton, cotton blends or rayon as they burn more easily. Loose-fitting children’s sleepwear includes nightgowns, bathrobes, and loose pyjamas. They should be made of polyester, nylon or polyester/nylon blends.

Tight-fitting children’s sleepwear includes polo pyjamas and sleepers (with tight cuffs at the end of sleeves and pants legs, close fit to the body). They are less likely to make contact with a fire source and are likely to burn more slowly. They can be made from cotton, cotton blends or rayon.

Ice Hockey Helmets and Face Protectors and other helmets

Ice hockey helmets and face protectors sold in Canada must carry a sticker indicating they meet safety standards set by the Canadian Standard Association (CSA) and clearly showing the standard number. If the standard number is not present, discard the product.

Ice hockey helmets must also have a chin strap and a label with the date of manufacture. These items must not be sold if previously subjected to major impact, if older than five years, if showing signs of damage, or if parts are missing. Be careful as damage done to helmets is not always visible. If you are unsure of a helmet condition, it is better not to sell it.

Helmets are designed to protect the head against either single or multiple impacts. They can be certified through a number of organizations (for example, Snell, CSA, ANSI) and should have a label stating to which standard they have been certified. Bicycle, in-line skating and equestrian helmets. These helmets are designed to protect the head against a single impact.

It is not recommended that you buy these products second-hand or that you borrow them from others. Ski and snowboard helmets. These helmets may be designed for single or multiple impacts. If you are unsure which type it is, Health Canada recommends that you do not buy it. Do not buy second-hand single impact helmets. If you decide to buy a multiple impact helmet, ensure it meets a recognized safety standard by checking for a label.

For more information, contact Consumer Product Safety, Health Canada: 1-866-662-0666, email, or visit and To check for consumer product recalls posted by Health Canada: Grab a few bargains at your next garage sale but be sure you don’t end up with someone else’s problems. Buyer beware that it may not be what you see.

Spring is here!


The warmer weather has brought many people outdoors cleaning yards, walking pets, or enjoying some long overdue family exercise. What ever brings you outdoors, doing the activity will prevent injury and an unnecessary visit to the hospital emergency room.

If cycling is on your list of activities, follow this advice:

  • Make sure the bike is in good working order and properly maintained. Ensure the chain is tight and any damaged parts are repaired.
  • Make sure the bike and bike helmet fit. Standing with feet flat on the ground your child should have at least 1 inch (2.5cm) between the bar and their crotch area. If the helmet is cracked or greater than 5 years of age, it needs to be replaced.
  • Helmets need to fit flat on everyone’s head with two fingers between the chin and strap. Never wear a ball cap under your cycle helmet. Yes, everyone including mom’s and dad’s need to be wearing an approved cycle helmet.

Whether it is just the children out with friends, or the entire family should follow these bike rules:

  • Always wear a helmet.
  • Ride single file on the right-hand side of the road.
  • Use arm signals when turning or changing lanes.
  • Look both ways before crossing the street.
  • Obey traffic lights and signs. It’s okay to walk your bike through an intersection if riding through busy traffic makes you uncomfortable.
  • Learn to look over your shoulders without losing your balance or swerving.
  • Scan the road ahead for potholes, railway crossings, slippery surfaces, loose gravel, and other obstacles.
  • Remember that drivers have blind spots. Ride either well ahead of or well behind vehicles.
  • Experienced riders should ride on the road, not the sidewalk. Beginners should learn on the sidewalk and be accompanied by an adult.
  • Never wear headphones when cycling. The music is distracting and drowns out the noise of other traffic.
  • Always ride with caution. Although you may see an approaching vehicle, the driver may not see you.

If your youth are headed to the skateboard park to try some new tricks safety is just as important for the skateboard enthusiast and BMX rider alike.

  • Wear a helmet – cool multi-sport helmets are available from many local dealers.
  • Wear additional protective equipment like wrist guards, knee pads or elbow pads.
  • Don’t let loose clothing or laces get caught in the chain or spokes.
  • Watch for others as to not collide.
  • Practicing jumps or tricks are what you want to do but do so within the limits of your ability.

In case an incident occurs that results in potential injury do not move. Get help if someone complains of head, neck, or back pain. Do not try to move them. Dial 9-1-1 for the paramedics! If walking to and from school is a regular daily event for your child, review with them where to cross and how to use both marked and unmarked crosswalks. As adults we too need to be reminded to use crosswalks and not to cross in the middle of the block.

This week is Emergency Preparedness Week, those affected by forest fires sadly already know what being prepared is as many folks across the north have been evacuated while others anxiously watch and wait hoping they too won’t be forced to leave. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those evacuated and to those hard-working folks fighting these forest fires. Being prepared is important to everyone not just in the rural area but in the city as well. We think that when an emergency occurs help will be there quickly. While that’s true a large-scale natural disaster of fire or a storm, forces emergency services to make priorities. If we can take some time now vs being rushed to leave, we can hopefully be just a bit more prepared. is the government of Canada web site with a lot of important information. So is the Canadian Red Cross and others. Download important apps like Sask Alert for urgent bulletins in your local area. Follow our social media account for more information on being safe and prepared. Have a safe day!

Three cheers for spring

Snow melting is a sure sign that spring has arrived. We have been waiting for weeks to say, “spring is here.” But living in Saskatchewan, we all know the unpredictable nature of the weather means we can still see snow, freezing rain and slippery conditions. While we switch seasons do not rush out the door in the morning without first checking weather conditions. Travellers check the highway conditions. While you might wear a heavier coat in the morning, dressing in layers will keep you comfortable throughout the day’s activities.

Spring means a lot of us can hardly wait to get outdoors. But there are still piles of snow along roadways and our favorite walking path might still be snow covered too. As we look for a safe place to walk, be sure to wear something bright so you can be seen by traffic. Do you your best to walk against the traffic where no sidewalk is available. Motorists do you best to spot pedestrians who suddenly step into traffic to dodge a puddle. Pedestrians, it’s essential to cross at the cross walk. The traffic expects you there not in the middle of the block. A few cyclists have already grabbed their bikes and ventured out but it is still a bit risky for cycling with lots of gravel, some snow ridges still evident but hey if you are headed out obey the rules of the road and don’t forget your cycling helmet. Speaking of bikes, now is a wonderful time to dust off the bikes for the family. Pump up the tires, check the brakes, ensure everyone still fits their wheels. If you need visit a local dealer for a spring tune up or a new set of wheels. With spring comes skateboards too and of course maybe your child has grown over the winter. Get the right fit for your helmet to keep the head safe!

Spring sadly starts to show the hidden trash of winter that was covered by the snow. Help keep your yard and your neighborhood clean by picking up some of that trash. If you discover a needle or other potentially dangerous “sharp” object, removing it can be safely done by you. Wear some gloves, pick the needle from the plunger end never the sharp needle end. Drop it into a puncture resistant container and dispose of it safely at a safe location like our needle exchange facility. Please do not throw the needle into a trash container especially where the potential exists that someone could be harmed if they are hand sorting like in our recycling depots.

Warmer temperatures will melt away the last of the snow and ice from your yard, but the long-awaited opening of lakes will also occur. Time to stay off rivers, lakes, ponds, and dugouts. The water underneath will be extremely cold should you fall into the water, hypothermia will set in quite quickly. Remind your children now that with melting snow the shoreline is slippery and unstable, so be safe and stay off the ice. While the geese might be asking who booked their trip seeing all this snow, we know with warmer temperatures it will not be long till we can enjoy our yards and cottages.

As we transition from winter to spring, staying dry is important, especially for our feet. So, grab some rubber boots or other waterproof footwear when you head out for an afternoon walk with friends and family. Three cheers for spring!!! Be Safe and enjoy the weather!

In an emergency who are you going to call?


Your mom, a co-worker, the neighbor across the street or even a parent. As strange as it might sound people do not often call paramedics first but hope someone else can offer assistance. Yes, first aid can be lifesaving to stop the bleeding, start the breathing or preform CPR, but paramedics are the out of hospital professionals you need quickly at any emergency. Obviously if you are the babysitter at home, dial for help first then contact parents or caregivers.

In a few weeks it is a very special for a group of people that rarely are ever seen. The week of April 9-15 is National Emergency Telecommunicators Week. When you call 9-1-1 the 9-1-1 operator will quickly transfer your call to our telecommunication specialists who starts giving you help right over the phone. This does not happen in the 9-1-1 center but in one of three regional medical communication centers in Prince Albert, Saskatoon, or Regina. In Prince Albert behind a locked door sit some special people. These telecommunications specialists at Parkland Ambulance Care handle over 50,000 calls annually. Expertly handle multiple emergency calls from folks not only in Prince Albert but much of northern/central Saskatchewan. Our communications specialists also might talk to a tourist in a collision in LaRonge, a frantic mom in Tisdale or someone in need of help in Pelican Narrows. Using state of the art and very sophisticated computer technology, our communications personnel expertly handle multiple calls at once. The incident might require rural first responders, police, fire services or other resources. All this has to be coordinated in a timely fashion. Plus the telecommunications specialists need to be alert to subtle things like people arguing in the background from a caller who says someone has been assaulted. A child might call for help because a parent lies motionless at the bottom of some stairs and they are very frightened. A bystander trying their best to perform CPR and someone is gone to get the AED. All these situations are very real for the busy career telecommunication specialists in our regional communications center. The dedication, caring and commitment of our team is incredible.

The voice who you talk to is trained to give you the best possible assistance they can but these heroes are human too. At the end of your situation another awaits and with the skill of a symphony conductor, our team makes sure the paramedics and other resources arrive safely. Remember that when our medical communications team knows where you are help is on the way. While the team continues to ask additional information, help is on the way! During the week of April 9-15, we salute all our telecommunication specialists but also say thank you to the other medical communicators and provincial 9-1-1 too. These agencies also play an important role in your safety. Beyond the telephone there is a great team of telecommunicators at Parkland Ambulance Care ready and able to assist you in your time of need! Congratulations to our awesome communications team members.

The week of April 16-22 is National Volunteer Week. Parkland Ambulance Care has over 80 men and women who in 2023 donated over 600 hours to the community. From hockey games to street fairs, judo tournaments to school visits, Parkland Ambulance has some of the busiest and hardest working volunteers in the community. Thank you for the many things you do for the community. Congratulations to the 1000s of other community volunteers who support everything from schools to churches, scouts or guides to community theatre, welcoming others from another country and more!!! So many groups and events would not exist without great volunteers. Thank you Parkland Ambulance paramedics and communications personnel. Your volunteer commitment is outstanding. Happy volunteer week, April 16-22 everyone!

Poison prevention is simple


Whether it’s indoors or outdoors, a curious child is bound to explore the most unlikely places. While you might think that what’s in the cupboard is safe from little hands it’s probably not. Every year hundreds of people are poisoned from common household chemicals. Prevention is the key to safety around your home, and not just for our children either. This week is Poison Prevention Week, a great reminder that even the little things can be dangerous in the wrong hands.

Read the label – the manufacturer of any household product prints safe handling instructions right on the container. Be sure to wear gloves and/or eye protection if required. The label is designed to give you important safety information. If you are in the workplace, then chemical information is usually store in one location for all workplace chemicals. Be informed and know what you are doing before you engage in an activity.

Store the product safely – with small children or pets, keep cupboard locked or chemicals stored out of reach. Don’t pour a portion of a poisonous substance from a large container into an improper smaller container. For example, keep bleach in the original container. Just because it’s too heavy to carry to the laundry room pouring into something a soda bottle is only asking for trouble. Never store chemicals with food products. Don’t mix cleaning products together! A dash of this or dash of that might be a great baking recipe, but not safe for chemicals.

Clean up spills properly and quickly – follow the instructions on the container for safe handling. Chemicals such as antifreeze spilled on the ground can be deadly if ingested by pets.

Know what to do in an emergency – if it’s a dry chemical, wearing gloves brush it off and flush the area with lots of water. If it’s a wet chemical than flush with lots of water. Remove contact lens, jewelry and any clothing contaminated with the substance. If the chemical is something in the air like carbon monoxide, then remove everyone to fresh air immediately and seek further medical assistance.

Keep medications in a secure location – medications can be harmful if not taken correctly always follow your pharmacist’s instructions and tell them if you are taking any herbs or vitamins as these sometime. Common over the counter medications such as cold medicines can cause side effects such as feeling tired. Always read the label and follow the printer instructions. Common simple things like laundry detergent pods can prove hazardous to children.

Medication is not candy – teach your children that medications are to help them feel better. Don’t treat it like candy. Keep medications in their original containers so that they can be easily recognized. Dispose of outdated medications by taking them to your local pharmacy for proper safe handling. Many adults will set medication out by the cereal bowl as a reminder to take with breakfast. An early eager child could crawl up on a stool if visiting grandparents and ingest the bright colored pills.

Who to call in an emergency – if the victim is awake, talking, with no shortness of breath, chest pain, allergic reaction symptoms or other life-threatening conditions then it’s safe to call the provincial poison control center at 1-866-454-1212 for assistance. If the person is unconscious, having trouble breathing or not acting their usual self dial 9-1-1 and get the paramedics.

In an emergency many of us may not have time to gather all the important information we need. It’s important that now while you have the time, make a list of such things as medications, emergency contacts, medical problems, or allergies. Use our new ICE (In Case of Emergency) kit available from Lake Country Co-op or our office at Parkland Ambulance. Get one they are free! These kits help you store vital information all in one place and acceptable to professionals just in case! Be Safe!

Good shoes the key to staying on your feet

Seniors are an active group. However sometimes the older we get our bodies don’t respond or move like they used to. With that in mind preventing injuries is good practice. Like they say an apple a day might keep the doctor away. A little stretching and some good footwear can prevent slips and falls too!

My grandmother many years ago used to wear good shoes in the house. She had the right idea; good footwear inside and out can prevent falls. Think of children who love slide on the smooth floor with their socks. Preventing falls is very important because falling might result in injury. Injury might send us to the hospital where the recovery process and further treatment can be long. Fall also might cause injuries that could be life changing that might cause the loss of our independence. Preventing falls should be a priority!

Here are some ways to prevent falls:

• Reduce clutter – boxes, newspapers, cords, knitting bags, anything lying around can be a trip hazard. We all have lots of stuff. Organize or reduce the stuff we have.

• Good lighting – navigating stairs or going the washroom at night all could use some good lighting. Night lights or motion sensor lights are an inexpensive solution.

• Remove loose mats – we might have a throw rug or bathmat that needs to be securely fastened to the floor or removed all together.

• Taking your time getting up – sometimes medications or the simple fact of lying down might cause us to be dizzy if we sit up. Sit up, wait a few seconds for your body to become accustomed to being upright before heading to make lunch or your daily routine.

• Have regular vision checks – over 65 an annual visit to your eye professional is recommended. Good vision with proper corrective lens if required help to navigate better. While the designer frames from the drug store make you look 10 years younger, they don’t help you see well.

• Use walking assists in your home – often the walker or cane is left by the door, because that’s what we taken when go outside. Grabbing counter tops, or backs of chairs is not a safe practice to navigating around the house or apartment.

• Heading outdoors – depending on the season ice and snow or uneven ground for example in the garden can be challenging. Take your time, wear good footwear and use any assists as appropriate.

• Have a plan – if you do fall but can not get up how are you going to summon help from paramedics or even your family. Have one of those medical alarms, attach the cordless phone to belt, even a whistle worn around your neck. Anything to call for or alert close friends neighbors that help is needed.

If you’ve fallen, but injuries or illness prevent you from speaking for yourself. How do you tell paramedics or the hospital who you are? What medications or medical history you might have? How do we alert your family? How do we know your wishes might be for things like advance care directives?

Together Parkland Ambulance and Lake Country Coop have created a small compact folder called ICE. ICE stands for in case of emergency and inside the packet is a piece of paper where you answer some of these questions and more. Put the packet in your purse; with a fridge magnet stick it onto the fridge or some other noticeable place, that when needed paramedics will see it and access this vital information.

Where can you get one? Visit Parkland Ambulance or any Lake Country Pharmacy location in Prince Albert and pick up your free ICE packet.

Today’s technology has more and more people especially seniors, using mobile devices. The ‘bad guys’ are getting smart about pretending to be someone trying to ask for money or have you given them personal information. A few easy steps for your cyber security and safety. Open emails only from people you know. Reading the news online avoid clicking the ads for the cute puppies, hair care products, discount rentals or what ever other thing that catches your eye. Avoid giving out your cell phone number or email address to people you don’t know are adding it to random surveys on your phone.

It’s important to remember that your personal information is just that personal information. If you would want your picture on a sign on the busiest street corner in the city, don’t give out your name, address or other personal information. Be safe!

First one there? Be the first one to care


Have you witnessed a car crash and not known what to do or how to help? You are not alone. Many people want to help the victims but have reservations about knowing exactly what to do. Others have done more than was required of them, yet others do the wrong thing and make situations much worse.

Ordinary people who are trained to do simple actions can save lives. In any emergency you can make the difference, just do something, don’t stand there and wonder if you can help. If it is safe, anything you might do will help. Listen to the instructions of the emergency medical dispatcher. They will keep you calm and give you direction needed to help the injured or ill person.

The challenge is to overcome fears of “not doing it right” and the attitude of “not wanting to get involved.” When tragedy happens, such as a car crash, making a few simple, calculated and correct choices can mean the difference to someone else. If you are the first there, be the first one to care. Sometimes the simplest action can make the difference. Wouldn’t you want someone to help if it was you who was injured?

STOP to help – the easiest thing that you can do is recognize that an emergency does exist and stop to offer what assistance you can. Always ensure your own safety. At a collision, park your vehicle safely to the side and watch for traffic. Have someone direct or control traffic to prevent further collisions. Keep the crowd of bystanders away.

CALL for help – using your cellular phone, sending someone to the nearest phone or going to a phone yourself, activate the emergency system. Listen to the instructions provided by the emergency medical dispatcher. Paramedics and, if needed, additional resources will be sent to your emergency. Get help fast!

LOOK at the scene for any hazards and if safe approach the scene and asses the victims. How many are there? What’s happened? Do not move victims unless they are in immediate life-threatening danger.

START the BREATHING – if a person is not awake and not breathing you will have to start their breathing. Taking a CPR or First Aid course will show you how to use barrier devices and proper techniques to prevent further injury but do what you can. Compression only CPR can easily be done by any one regardless of age.

STOP the BLEEDING – if there are any wounds, wearing gloves, apply direct firm pressure to the wound with a clean cloth. Maybe you have a first aid kit in your car with more supplies. Cover the person with a warm blanket and keep them calm.

In case of an emergency, we take for granted that help will arrive as quickly as we place the call to 9-1-1. In the City of Prince Albert, there are residential street addresses and the phone you are call from will display the address from where you are calling. But in the rural areas it is not that easy. You may know where you live but, in an emergency, can you describe it to someone else? Take the time to write down your name, phone number, legal land location and directions of how to get to your residence. Paste this information by the phone so it is easily accessible and can be read by anyone to emergency services.

Injuries related to vehicle collisions are the number one cause of preventable injuries in Saskatchewan. What you do to prevent collisions and the actions you take to help others will make a difference. A few simple tips we take for granted can include wear a seat belt; have children buckled securely in car seats; eliminate the use of cellular phones while driving; plan ahead and be prepared for emergencies. Knowing what to do in an emergency can make the world of difference. Learn CPR and First Aid – let us show you how. Call for more information!

Getting around town in the winter cold


If you have not already, maybe you are planning to or else wish you would have, gone on a winter vacation. Traveling to Mexico, the southern USA, or further can break up the winter. We all want to escape the cold winter of the Prairies.

While winter on the Prairies is cold, snowy and often dreary, we still need to get around. Whether it is a simple task of out for groceries or the children’s activities, we often need to start the vehicle, brush off the snow and trudge out into the cold. Getting around during winter month’s as it challenges but a collision might be avoided following a few simple tips.

•   See and be seen! Make sure you keep your windows free of ice and snow. With automatic headlights, turn your lights on manually so that your tail lights illuminate, and you can be seen.
•   Give yourself plenty of time to reach your destination. Road conditions can be slippery, or snow covered. A little extra time means you will reduce your speed and remain in control of the vehicle.
•   With reduced daylight in the morning hours watch for pedestrians especially children who might walk to school.
•   Lots of snow often creates snow ridges at intersections. Pedestrians don’t assume you will be seen and don’t assume vehicles will stop safely. Take your time when crossing. Walking is safer than running. If there is a snow ridge and you can not see on coming traffic, then they also might not see you. Look before you cross. Motorists please slow down especially near crosswalks and intersections.
•   Check highway conditions, check media reports for weather and plan your “road” trips accordingly. While weather can change in an instant, if its bad maybe staying home is a better choice. If the roads are bad and you are involved in a collision paramedic also must brave those road conditions to get to your emergency.
•   Frostbite to face, fingers or toes can often be prevented by simply dressing for the weather. Toques, mittens, scarves and good winter boots are essential to managing in a Saskatchewan winter. On a minus forty day exposed skin can freeze in minutes leading to ugly red spots on exposed skin.
•   Many people embrace winter by skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling or simply going for a walk. What ever your outdoor activity remember to wear the gear; stay on the trails; have a buddy; let others know where you are going and when you will be back; be prepared for an emergency with items such as those to possibly build a fire.
•   It is never too late to pack winter gear into your vehicle. Safely stowed, a blanket, shovel, safety kit or first aid kit, can be an essential and important set of tools.
•   If you become stranded car breaks down for example, stay with your vehicle. You have shelter and while there might be a residence close by walking across unknown terrain might cause injury to you.

There is always an opportunity to simply go to the movies or stay home with pets watch TV and read a good book. No matter where your winter travels take you be safe, have fun and enjoy! February is Heart Month. Parkland Ambulance Care is encouraging everyone to learn CPR and know where an AED is. For more information call us for details!

Safely Handling and Disposing of Medications


All medicines, whether prescription or purchased over-the-counter, are dangerous if used improperly. They can be potentially poisonous to people of all ages. Yet many of us leave medications unsecured; treat medication as ‘candy’; set medications out with our meal so we don’t forget not realizing that the multi-colored pills might be picked up by a small child.

Vitamins, supplements, aspirin and many other over-the-counter remedies, as well as prescriptions medicines, should be purchased with child-resistant closures and stored securely. Here are some other best practices for handling medicine safely.

• Do not store medications, prescription or non-prescription in a location that could easily be accessed by a child. These include night stands, purses, kitchen table or easily accessed cupboard.
• Do not separate the medication from its original container. Capsules and tablets may look alike but have totally different effects. It’s not in the original container it is not safe to use.
• You can take unwanted or expired to your pharmacist for safe disposal.
• Do not take someone else’s medications.
• Complete all medications as per the instructions on the bottle or until told to discontinue it by your family doctor.
• Store medications in a cool dry location that limits exposure to light.
• If the medication is expired such as a cold medication, do not use. It is quite possibly ineffective or even dangerous.
• Personal care products, vitamins, cosmetics and general first aid supplies are also potentially dangerous in the hands of a child. Keep these stored safely.
• Follow the instructions printed on the container for all over-the-counter medications. Take one or two extra is a recipe for disaster.
• Read warning labels that state things like “May cause drowsiness” or “Do not combine with alcohol” as these warnings are for your safety

Clean out the cupboard, medicine cabinet or bathroom closet of any unused, outdated, and expired medications on a regular basis. Dispose of them safely by simply collecting them all to take to your local pharmacy.
We often think the “medications” are only those prescribed by your doctor but vitamins and other herbal supplements can also be hazardous. Make a point of speaking to your pharmacist about all medications both over the counter, prescription and herbal so that combinations that could possibly be bad for you can be avoided. Your pharmacist can help you make safe choices but also record this information in your health record for future reference.
As parents and care givers currently struggle to source pain and fever medications, compounding pharmacies might be an alternative for you. Visit one near you, we have some in our city that may be able to help. It’s flu season and your local pharmacy maybe able to help with flu or other vaccinations too!
Switching gears, we want to remind everyone that our wrapped up for the holidays program is underway. Please drop of blankets, winter coats and other winter gear, at our location or at our partners the Gateway Mall, CTV, and Anderson Motors. We want to keep those in need warm, safe, and dry this winter. With your support we will do just that!

Planning for winter includes making your vehicle ready too!


It’s never fun if your vehicle lets you down, but it can be downright miserable or even dangerous if it happens on a cold winter day. Just as we’ve cleaned our windows and raked up the leaves in preparation for winter, so too should your car be winterized. Here are a few things you should know about “winterizing” your vehicle:
Winter tires: Make sure you have a good set of winter tires. They’ll improve traction, but if they are severely worn, you’ll have trouble braking, accelerating, and handling, especially on slippery roads. Many people opt for “all-season” tires. Depending on your local climate, they can be an adequate compromise for average year-round weather conditions but won’t perform as well as genuine winter tires in the worst ice and snow. Whatever you choose, buy them before winter arrives.
Exhaust system: Be sure to check the muffler and exhaust pipes for leaks and for their general condition each fall. Corrosion or perforations in the exhaust system can permit leakage of lethal carbon monoxide fumes into the passenger compartment. When there’s snow on the roads, ensure your exhaust tailpipe isn’t obstructed by it when starting the engine, and never back into snowbanks.
Tire pressure: Since traction is compromised when driving on ice or snow, the correct tire pressure is critical. Properly inflated tires ensure good contact with the road and protect the wheels from pothole damage. Your owner’s manual should list the recommended pressures.
Wipers and washer fluid: Typically, there is reduced visibility in winter due to reduced daylight, snow, and ice. In most parts of Canada, wiper blades last one year before needing replacement and sooner if damaged. If you live where there is lots of ice and snow during the winter, you should consider investing in wipers made specifically for winter.
During the winter months it is best to use windshield washer fluid made for colder temperatures to avoid further reduction in visibility. Also check your reservoir on a regular basis before heading out. Before the season starts, assemble the things you would need if stuck somewhere on a remote winter road. Include all the usual emergency things, but you should also have extra items for the longer trips.
The things you should always have in your car during winter.
Blankets and extra clothing
Booster cables
Sandbags or Traction pads
Scraper and brush
Matches and candles
First aid kit
Tow rope
Chocolate bars-they won’t spoil, and they provide food in an emergency
Tire chains kitty litter works great
Crowbar and other small hand tools
Whether it’s a short shopping trip out of town or a longer excursion, be prepared for winter emergencies and don’t wait till the snow on the ground tells us all winter is here. Taking a first aid course is a great way to learn how to be prepared and what to do in an emergency. November is CPR Month. We encourage everyone to get some training. A certified course our just the basics. Give us a call today! Statistics say that 40% of all injuries reduced by people taking a first aid course. Protect yourself, your family and fellow co-workers. Be safe!

Trick or Treat!


In a few short weeks little, and even large, ghosts or goblins will be visiting your door. Halloween is that fun time when we can wear costumes, celebrating the season! But making Halloween a safe time for all little visitors is essential. Here’s what you can do:

Plan a route with your children so you know where they are always. Set a time to return home.
Children follow that route – don’t take short cuts through back alleys or unlit parks.
Children over nine should always go out as a group or have adult supervision. Younger children should always be supervised.
Children visit houses that are well lit and never go inside the house.
The temptation to dart across the street “for better treats” on the other side is great but always cross at the corner and look both ways before crossing the street.
Motorists, please slow down in residential areas and be alert for the goblins running around.
Parents it might be a good idea to sew some reflective fabric to any costume.
Children should always carry a flashlight and in case of an emergency a whistle to signal for help.
Be aware of strangers!
Pick a costume that has bright fabrics so that the child can be seen.
Avoid costumes that are long with loose sleeves, pants or skirts. Check to see that the costume is flame resistant.
Avoid carrying props such as a sword, knife or gun. It is one more thing to carry and might be mistaken for the real thing.
Make sure each goblin wears proper footwear and dresses according to the weather.
Consider face paint or make-up instead of a mask so that the child can see clearly. If the child is wearing a wig, hat or scarf make sure it is secured tightly – they can see and ear too!
If decorating your yard or house avoid pumpkins with candles instead consider a flashlight or electric light.
Pets will be excited as guests come to the door. Consider placing them in a room out of harms way.
If the weather is bad, make sure to keep steps and walkways free from debris.
Instead of trick or treaty consider a neighborhood party for the children complete with games, treats and scary videos.
Instead of giving away candy use stickers, trading cards, activity sheets, gift certificates or other creative items.
Make sure that the children do not eat any of the treats until they are examined by an adult. Throw out any unwrapped items, has torn or loose packaging or that appears to have small holes in the wrappers. Don’t let children eat homemade treats unless you know the source who provided them.

Halloween is supposed to a fun time. Don’t let an incident like a fall ruin the day. For those adults choosing to celebrate Halloween either at one of the local bars or during a house party at home, make sure you plan a safe ride home. Have a designated driver or take a taxi. Have a safe Halloween night!

Winter weather is upon us, time to get your winter snow tires, find your scraper, extra blankets and other safety gear. Get ready with mittens, toques and boots too! Don’t wait till the snow flies start getting ready now!

Halloween 101


It is really neat to see so many folks getting their homes ready for Halloween. The decorations, spooky sounds and of course treats signal that mysterious day or the official “candy day.” If you are one of those folks getting your home ready here are a few tips to make you spooky castle look its best but also be a safe haven for the ghosts and goblins who will be visiting.

If your decorations involve lights and blow up decorations, please use proper outdoor extension cords and do not overload your electrical circuits. Be sure this are anchored down securely so they don’t blow out into traffic yet be stolen by a witch or two! If hanging things from the house or trees, use ladders safely and with the help of family and friends, are sure someone is holding the ladder for added safety. While the spooky nature of Halloween includes scaring visitors, be sure those who need to get to your home can safely. The young trick and treaters need to see the steps of the home so they don’t become injured getting to and from your residence. Should the weather turn cold and snowy keep your sidewalks free of ice and snow so no one trips or slips. Decorations might include carving the pumpkin. Moms and dads sharp objects like a knife can be dangerous. Please also consider lighting the pumpkin with a flashlight vs. a candle in case it does get dumped over and potentially might start a fire.

With any luck you’ve got an idea of what you might like to be for Halloween. Whether you are an adult who has the chance to dress up at work or someone whose dressing up for a day at school be sure your costume lets you see and hear. Adults never should drive wearing a costume, this is asking for a collision to happen and children walking to/from school might not be able to see/hear at crosswalks. It is so easy to grab some old clothes, face paints and makeup to make a really cool costume without spending much money. The key to safety in any costume is so that the person wearing it can see and hear; the costume is also not too long that they might trip over it. Avoid props like a sword or cane because in the excitement of carrying a treat bag combined with a prop it is only asking for a trip, slip or fall. BE sure the costume is bright with something reflective on it and light that should the weather be cold it can be pulled over top of something warm. Have the little ghost and goblins carry a flashlight with them. There is strength in numbers so never go out alone! Anything you can add to make the costume reflective will make the child seen by traffic.

The excitement of going for treats might lead children to cross the street as friends yell out the better treats on the block. Motorists need to remember on Halloween day slowdown in residential areas and children please cross at the corners, looking both ways before you cross the street. The whole Halloween exercise includes gathering treats but moms and dads please go through the treat bag before your child starts picking out their favorite. Unless you can verify the source of the treat such as puffed wheat cake from grandma all unwrapped treats should be thrown away. It is great to not consume all that candy at once spreading it out. But consider healthy treats too! Have a safe and Happy Halloween!

Thanksgiving weekend brings food, family, and fun together, but remember to be safe

Next weekend is the Thanksgiving long weekend, usually a great time of family, fun and plenty of food. But what are you thankful for this weekend?

The men and women of Parkland Ambulance, the paramedics and communications personnel will be ready to help you any weekend. Their expertise will certainly be called upon to assist someone in need. We hope that won’t be you, but in the weekend of giving thanks, should you need emergency medical assistance, we will be there!

Twenty-four hours a day, weekends, holidays and evenings, these dedicated, courageous and giving people bring essential medical care right to your door. Usually we reserve the greeting for the end, but from all our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving and have a great long weekend.

Thanksgiving wouldn’t be complete without a great turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and of course pumpkin pie for desert. Oh wait, almost forgot real whip cream not that spray foam stuff for the pie! I know you either love pumpkin pie or you don’t. But in the midst of stuffing ourselves be sure you remember some food safety tips:

• Keep hot food hot and cold food cold.

• It is easier to reheat at the destination rather trying to keep the meal hot as you travel to a family residence this weekend

• Be sure you ensure that food, especially poultry, is properly cooked. Meat at the bone should not be pink and juices should flow clear.

• Put away left overs as soon as possible before parking yourself on the couch for a nap

Do you know what to do if someone was choking? It’s not difficult but back blows, chest thrusts or abdominal thrusts (any combination of two) will relieve the obstruction. Be prepared just in case – don’t panic and you might just save someone’s life. Learn first aid!

Most meals will involve some alcohol but with a beer in one hand and turkey drumstick in the other you might need a paramedic if you are choking. To recognize someone who might be choking they cannot speak, they look frightened and usually push away from the table with an ineffective cough. You need to act fast as they are not breathing. Lean them forward and give several sharp back blows across their shoulder blades. Then reach around their stomach while you stand behind them and give several inward pulls into their stomach. Keep repeating till the object comes out. You should be successful in the first few tries but be persistent. Time is ticking, you need to act quickly or the next house guest won’t need dinner, he’ll be a paramedic summoned to help!

It is never too late to start thinking of yes, winter. I’ll be it we had a great summer; it is not if but when it will snow. Getting the furnace checked, test carbon monoxide detectors and tidy up the yard is some of those fall essentials. Carbon Monoxide detectors are now mandatory in all homes. But start thinking about your vehicle, before the rush, do you need winter tires? What about extra blankets, winter safety kit and a shovel. But then again where are the toques, mitts and winter coats? Now is the time vs. scrambling to find things the first time it does snow.

One final comment is the fall is a busy activity time. With hockey, volleyball, gymnastics or other indoor sports, the risk of injury is present just as it is outdoors.

The biggest single injury is that of a concussion. Any, I mean any blow to the head from a slip, trip, and fall, collision with another player or fixed object can cause a concussion.

It is not as simple as sitting the player out for a couple shifts or a period; it requires assessment by a physician, plenty of rest then a gradual return to exercise and competition depending on the severity of injury. Get the facts and make sure we don’t rush the return to play because we need to win the game. It isn’t about winning; it’s about having fun and getting that healthy exercise we, all need more of. 

Putting your best foot forward


Moms and Dad’s are excited while children are apprehensive; it’s one of the most wonderful times of the year. It’s Back to School time! Hundreds of children will walk to and from school every day – slow down to posted speed limit in all school zones. Hey, it’s a pretty good rule to follow in all residential areas where children are playing.

Children under the age of nine often have not developed the skills necessary to cross the street safely by themselves. Their sight, hearing, height, perception, and mental development are not the same as adults, and this decreases their ability to make safe judgments about traffic. Children, from an early age, need to learn how to cross a street safely, through repetition and encouragement. A child under the age of nine should always be accompanied adults or older children whenever they cross the street.

So how do we teach children to cross a street safely?

Stop at the corner.
Never cross between parked cars – if there is a marked crosswalk always use it even if it is a little further down the street.
If the corner is supervised by school patrollers – always obey their instructions.
Look left then look right for vehicles that maybe approaching.
Make eye contact with drivers so you know that they see you and they know that you see them.
Make sure cars come to a complete stop before you start to cross the road.
Walk, don’t run as you cross the street and continue to look both ways as you cross.

Many children will be riding the school bus to and from school each day. A few simple reminders can make their ride a safe one too!

Stay back from the designated bus stop – off the road and out of approaching traffic.
If waiting in line, wait quietly no pushing or shoving.
Make sure that the bus driver can see you.
Wait till the bus driver activates the warning lights and flashing stop arm – In the City of Prince Albert school busses do not use the flashing red lights and stop arm (Bylaw 54 of 1983), so always stop when a school bus is loading or unloading.
While on the bus do not yell and shout.
Never walk around while the bus is moving.
When you leave the bus – walk at least 3 meters (10 feet) in front of the bus so you can be seen and stop look both ways before going to the opposite side of the street.

Whether our children walk to school or ride the bus, a few extra safety precautions can make the difference. Remember to buckle up while riding in a vehicle. Parents – just because school has started doesn’t mean your child needs to be removed from his or her booster seat. Many children might ride in a booster seat till at least age nine. It’s all about height and weight.
It is law in Saskatchewan that children must use a booster until age 7 or weigh 36 kgs. (80 lbs.) AND stand 145 cm (4’9”) tall. Children will be safer if they continue to use a booster beyond the legal requirement, until the seat belt fits them properly.
Don’t be surprised when your son or daughter says, “How come my friends don’t ride in a car seat?” Everyone is a different height and weight. All vehicles and car seats are different too!
Welcome back to school. Have a great school year!

Back to school safety reminders


Once again school bells will call children back to school for another year. It is a busy time when the “dog days” of summer have passed and we set our routine to the return of school. For first time school children or those returning for another year it is time to brush up on some safety tips. We hate to be the bearer of this bad news when the weather is awesome, but school returns in a few short weeks.

Traveling to and from school is one of the most dangerous activities because children lack the supervision from the parents or teachers. In a hurry children might forget the basic rules and dart out into traffic. Motorists need to slow down through school zones and be alert for children crossing.

Motorists – School zones have a 30 km/hr speed zone marked by a florescent yellow sign. Please obey the posted speed limit for the school zone you are in Slow down and watch for children crossing.
Motorists – take a few extra minutes traveling to work if you regularly travel past a school or in a residential area. Children will be walking to and from school, excited to renew old friendships and maybe running a bit behind. Sometimes children forget the rules of the road.
Motorists – if you must use a cellular telephone while in your vehicle get a hands-free device or pull or to the side to make that important call. A moment’s inattention might be cause for a collision with a pedestrian. Such incidents are avoidable and preventable. SGI statistics say your 23 times more likely to be involved in a crash texting while driving.
Moms and dads always try and drop your child off on the school side of the street. This avoids trying to get across the very busy streets around many schools.
Children – cross only at the corner. Look both ways before walking out into the road. Make sure that you see the oncoming traffic and they can see you too! Wave to the driver of the vehicle as you cross. A big SUV still might have trouble seeing you cross. Be seen!
Children – always use cross walks and intersections that have a school patroller present. These special roadway markings ensure that you can cross safely. Always obey the instructions given by the school patroller. For areas without a school patroller or marked crosswalk, cross with care.
Children – walk on the sidewalk and ride your bike on the street in the direction of traffic. If must ride on the sidewalk, please yield to pedestrians walking. Don’t forget to wear the gear like helmets for bikes, scooters, and skateboards. Additional gear like wrist guards, knee pads or elbow pads may also be required.
Children – when playing in the playground watch for sharp objects, dangerous equipment or garbage. Report any hazards to a parent or teachers supervising the playgrounds. Never attempt to pick up sharp objects.
Children – if a ball is accidentally lost over the playground fence, STOP and LOOK BOTH WAYS before running out into the street before trying to retrieve it.
Back to school is an exciting time. Practice safety each and every day. Remember the rules of the road and obey all signs and signals. Motorists, please watch for children on bikes, skateboards scooters or on foot. Our children’s safety depends on your attention to safe operation of a motor vehicle. If back to school for you is a new job or career opportunity that might need first aid, consider taking a class with us. Give us a call at 306-953-8350 to register.

Prepared for an Emergency


I don’t know about you, but there sure has been some wacky summer weather. From thunderstorms to tornados and hail, it’s been a summer of excitement. The potential for forest fires, flooded city streets and power outages, urge us all to be aware to fast changing conditions.

You need to:
know your home exits and the location of your fire extinguisher, water valve, electrical box, gas valve and floor drain
choose a meeting place for your family members (one close to your home and one outside of your neighbor hood in the event of an evacuation)
have a designated person to pick up your children if you are unable
have close and out-of-town contact persons
know personal health information
arrange a place for your pet to stay

Develop an emergency plan so everyone will know what to do and where to go if there is an emergency. Once you have an emergency plan, make sure everyone in your home knows it well and has access to a copy. The Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada website has an online tool to help you prepare a plan in about twenty minutes.

Your home should also have an emergency kit with all the supplies you and your family need to survive for 72 hours during or after an emergency. Store the kit in easy to carry duffle bags or backpacks, in a location that is easy to access. Make sure everyone in the household knows where it is. Do you subscribe to any alert apps like those from the Sask Alert?

Your emergency kit should contain the following basic items:
Water – at least two litres of water per person, per day
Food that won’t spoil, (canned or dried food, energy bars)
Manual can-opener
Flashlight and batteries
Candles and matches or lighter (place candles in sturdy containers and put them out before going to sleep)
Battery-powered or wind-up radio (and extra batteries)
First aid kit: Special items such as prescription medications, infant formula and equipment for people with disabilities
Babies/toddlers supplies: diapers, bottled milk, formula and food, toys, crayons and paper
Extra keys for your car and house
Cash in smaller bills ($10 bills) and chargers for cell phones
Copies of important papers (personal documents such as identification for everyone, insurance papers, deed to your property)
A copy of your emergency plan, including contact information

In the event of a disaster, emergency medical response may be delayed because of the remoteness of your home or by adverse conditions, such as roads blocked by floodwater or debris. While precious minutes slip by, your emergency training could mean the difference between life and death. Properly administered first aid or CPR can help stabilize an injured or ailing family member until help arrives. Make sure at least one family member is trained in first aid and CPR and how to use an automated external defibrillator. Call Parkland Ambulance 953-8350 for upcoming courses.

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The future depends on what we do in the present.” Planning and preparing today for emergencies that may occur in the future, are preventive steps that will help keep people protected and safe in their homes and in the workplace during an emergency.

Stay safe while enjoying the sun

Summer is here! The hot weather has brought outdoors to enjoy activities and the company of family and friends. While outdoors don’t forget sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses and plenty of water to drink. While we are all hopefully enjoying a summer break, don’t forget to keep safety in mind.

For some being at the cabin involves a bit of work. If using power tools please do so safely and never use near small curious children. It only takes a fraction of a second to have serious injury occur. It is a good idea to have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your cottage as well. Don’t forget the camper or motor home could also use them. If you are using anything like a generator, please ensure adequate ventilation and keep leaves and debris, things that could catch fire, clear from the generator. This week is National Drowning Prevention week. Heading to the beach or the backyard pool is a staple of summer life, but supervision of children is always a must. On a crowded beach it’s easy to lose sight of your child. Prevention a tragedy by always keeping an eye on them. Don’t forget that life jackets or personal flotation devices are a must when on the boat.

The fire pit is a great gathering point and a great place to build many memories but make sure you build one to keep the fire contained. Always have a shovel and pail of water nearby. Never head for bed or a boat ride, leaving the fire unattended. Always ensure your fire is out when you call it lights out!

Wacky weather can occur at any moment, hopefully only leaving us wet from the rain. Keep an eye to the sky and have mobile apps like Sask Alert, turned on your mobile device to receive those important alerts. If you seen potentially bad weather take shelter. In your home, head to the basement in places such as your bathroom tub covered with a blanket. When no basement exists find the center of the home, away from windows and doors such as possibly your closet. On the lake try to get to shore as quickly and as safely as possible and find any available shelter. Never seek shelter under a tree as the tree itself might be struck by lightening or fall upon you.

Summer is the time to enjoy going for a walk. Anyone of us might get separated from the rest of the group or young children might wonder off on their own adventures. If you become lost in the woods, hug a tree. This term asks you to stay where you are at and seek immediate shelter. Wondering around only creates a larger opportunity to become disorientated or travel further away from your intended destination. Stay right where you are! You should always carry a whistle and garbage bag with you when out for a hike. Of course, water, good footwear and a first aid kit are not bad ideas either. Why a garbage bag? It is small and compact for a pocket but can easily be made into a rain poncho to stay dry. A whistle is heard for a greater distance than the human voice allowing you to signal for help! Incidents can happen that may result in injury. Being prepared with a first aid kit, whistle, or other items can become very useful. Whether you are out for a walk, on the boat skiing or fishing, lounging in a chair watching the kids at the beach or backyard pool or at last getting those “projects” taken care of, please wear the gear. Be safe and have a great summer! For more information on any of the topics presented in this article contact Parkland Ambulance Care at 306-953-8358.

Stay safe while out on the water


Ah summer time! A chance to relax, unwind, spend time with family or friends or just catch up on some reading with a good book.

Many of us will spend a lazy afternoon fishing on the lake or towing the kids while they water ski. Boating is one of those activities that go with summer.

In Canada, the Canadian Coast Guard through their office of boating safety has brought in regulations designed to improve your safety while navigating Canadian waterways. Since 1999 these phased in regulations mean that many of us have had to obtain our pleasure craft operator’s card. If you went boating today here are the rules:

Are you born after April 1, 1983?
Do you operate a power vessel less than 4 meters in length, including personal watercraft?

If you answered yes to either of these questions before you put the boat or personal watercraft in the water today, you need to get a card or else you are operating the craft illegally and subject to penalty. Also, youth under 16 even if they have a card are not able to operate a personal watercraft aka a jet ski! So how do I get “the card?” There are many online resources available, check them out!

Today, there are two types of floatation devices. Your standard life jacket is designed to not only keep you afloat but also to turn you face up if you fall into the water. These are orange, yellow or red and have a whistle attached. The have a “keyhole” design to fit over your head. Then we have personal floatation devices (PFD) which are inherently buoyant or inflatable. PFDs are the more common devices we have on board a boat. Wear while water skiing but hopefully never use as a seat cushion. Children’s PFDs should be comfortable yet snug. Never buy a large PFD for the child to grow into. Loose, ill-fitting PFDs are dangerous.
PFDs for children can have special safety features. You may want to look for the following additional features when selecting a PFD for your child:
Large collar for head support,
Sturdy, rust-proof zipper,
Draw string,
Waist ties or elastic gathers in front and back,
Safety strap that goes between the legs to prevent the PFD from slipping over the child’s head,
Buckle on safety straps and reflective tape, attach a sound-signaling device (whistle) to your child’s PFD zipper for added safety.
Hey and don’t forget one for your pet too!
In Canada, 73% of all drownings happen because the person was not wearing a life jacket. So, what’s your excuse? We all make excuses such as they are too hot, too uncomfortable, don’t fit or the best one is in an emergency I’ll be able to put it on. There is no excuse for not wearing a PFD or life jacket. Make it a standard practice to wear it before getting into the boat till the time you arrive back on shore. Make sure everyone who boards the boat has a proper PFD or life jacket that is approved and fits them correctly. Be Responsible!
Don’t allow a person who has consumed alcohol to operate a boat.
Provide non-alcoholic beverages for boat operators and passengers.
Wear lifejackets or Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs). It’s the law to carry one that fits each person in the vessel, but Parkland Ambulance recommends wearing it every trip, for the whole trip.
If you have a backyard pool, supervise your children. Have some safety equipment near by should there be an emergency. Take precautions to protect your pool with a fence so that when you are absent from home, others don’t access the pool. While talking pools, many will head to the public beach for summer fun. Keep an eye on your children! A moment of inattention such as using your phone or reading could be tragic.
Have a safe summer! Don’t let the tragedy we hear be one that involves you or your family. Be safe around any body of water this summer!