MLA Report: Prince Albert Carlton

Saskatchewan remains one of the best places to live and build careers. Along with the ongoing work on the Prince Albert Victoria Hospital (PAVH) project, our government continues to make strategic investments in our post-secondary sector. These investments provide more programs and opportunities that help build a bright future right here at home.

The PAVH project is progressing well. Upon completion, the hospital will have a heliport, expanded emergency department, larger operating rooms, pediatrics, maternity, NICU, new medical imaging, and a First Nations and Métis Cultural space. With overall capacity increasing from 173 to 242 beds, these improvements will greatly expand services in Prince Albert and the north for years to come.

Our government has allocated $793 million for Saskatchewan’s post-secondary sector, representing a $28.2 million increase from last year. This budget provides for increased funding within the multi-year agreement, health training programs and seat expansions.

A one-time, $12-million increase will be provided to the province’s current multi-year funding agreement with post-secondary institutions. The increased funding ensures institutions remain responsive to the needs of students and the labour market.

In support of Saskatchewan’s Health Human Resources Action Plan, the budget provides nearly $15 million in new funding to train additional health care workers. This includes an $11.4 million operating increase for new seats across several programs.

More than 600 new seats will be added to training programs for various professions, with a focus on high-demand and hard-to-recruit professions, such as registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, primary care paramedics and continuing care assistants. This supports our government’s ongoing efforts to expand seats in critical health training programs.

Additionally, the budget includes the continued expansion of Undergraduate Medical Education seats to train future physicians in the province. These investments will strengthen our health care system, providing greater access to health care for Saskatchewan people.

To help post-secondary students as they pursue careers in Saskatchewan, the Graduate Retention program continues. The program is the most generous support of its kind in Canada, providing tax credits of up to $20,000 to graduates who choose to work in the province. It has benefitted over 81,600 students to date.

Together with the great people of this province, our government will continue to build a strong and growing Saskatchewan for a brighter future for everyone. If you have any concerns or questions about government programs and services, you can contact my constituency office at 306-922-2828 or, or feel free to stop by our office, located at Bay 4, 406 South Industrial Drive.
