Patuanak RCMP impound 12 vehicles, including 10 ATVs, as part of impaired driving investigation

Herald File Photo.

Patuanak RCMP officers removed 13 drivers from the road and impounded 12 vehicles during a crack down on impaired driving on Patuanak and English River First Nation.

Between April 30 and May 30, officers suspended 12 driver’s licenses, including six roadside suspensions and six indefinite suspensions pending court outcome.

Officers also impounded 12 vehicles, 10 of which were ATVs. They also impounded one SUV and one snowmobile.

In a press release sent out Tuesday, the Patuanak RCMP urged drivers to remember impaired driving laws apply to all vehicles, including ATVs, snowmobiles, and boats.

“Don’t take a chance,” reads the press release. “If you question whether you’re ‘too impaired to drive or not’, you likely are.”

The RCMP also urged drivers to wear and helmet and protective gear while ATVing, and to check local bylaws to know which areas riding is prohibited in.
