Daily Herald
The fifth Annual “Roast and Toast” Gala is taking aim at a former emcee.
The SHARE fundraiser to honour and Prince Albert comedian Kelly Taylor this year on May 4 at Plaza 88 is already sold out. SHARE fundraising committee member Robin Knudsen that it was time to get Taylor as an honouree after his service as host.
“Well, we figured after him being the emcee for a few years, it was time to turn the tables and put him in the hot spot,” Knudsen said.
“Our emcee is actually Mitch Hollash, who was one of our roastees before,” Knudsen added. “Now he’s our emcee, so (it’s) a chance for him to get back too.”
This will be a fundraising Gala to support ongoing vocational and recreational programming for adults dealing with mental health issues. Knudsen said previous fundraisers brought in good money.
“We sell out every year pretty much,” he said. “This is our fifth annual and we’ve been selling out every year.”
Previous honourees include Holash, Richard Ahenakew, Fred Matheson and Malcolm Jenkins. Knudsen said that they prefer honourees with some standing in the city.
Knudsen said they were inspired by the Dean Martin Celebrity Roast. He said that at the time, there was nothing like it in Prince Albert.
Roasters included his siblings Tara Taylor and Graham Taylor, his friends Bart Holt and Garth Bendig and his comedian friend Jody Peters. They also have two surprise guests whose identities have not been revealed.
“He (Taylor) is Kind of worried about that too,” Knudsen said. “He’s been trying to find out who they are.”
They try to hold the fundraiser in May before the summer season really begins.
Gold Corporate Sponsorships can be had for $3,500, Silver Sponsorships can be had for $2,500 and Bronze Sponsorship is $1,000. There will also be a silent auction on the evening.
The fundraising is for a good cause, Knudsen added. SHARE is a non-profit charity working with adults living with mental illness in Prince Albert and area.
“We raise it for our program but to offer recreation programs during the summer mostly,” he said.
If anyone is unable to attend, they are encouraged to consider purchasing a ticket for a SHARE client to attend the Gala.