The Year is 1957 and the Prime Minister is wrapped up in a murder mystery.
Off the Cuff Improv and Interactive brings this mystery to life at Shananigan’s on July 26 and 27, when they present ‘Murder First Class: An Interactive Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre’.
Adrianna Boucher of Off the Cuff said the Prime Ministerial visit is based on a historical fact.
“It is set in 1957, which, fun fact, Prime Minister Diefenbaker was in Prince Albert. He was like doing a provincial visit and he stopped in PA and did an address outside of City Hall,” Boucher explained. “The play takes place the night before his address at City Hall.”
An actor playing Diefenbaker will be in attendance at the show. The play focuses on an evening where Diefenbaker is invited to a dinner and someone ends up murdered.
“There’s a Private Eye who just happens to be in the audience and she conducts an investigation,” Boucher said. “Along the way the audience is invited to question the suspects as well and consider the evidence and guess who they think the killer is as well.”
The play was written by Boucher and first performed when Off the Cuff was performing at Boreal Bistro. At that time, the show was called Murder at the Marlboro because the Boreal Bistro was inside the Marlboro Inn.
“That’s where John Diefenbaker stayed in PA in 1957 and that’s why we got the idea about doing it around the time Diefenbaker was in town,” Boucher said.
The story was revamped in 2019 when it was performed on the Wheatland Express excursion train. There were additional revamps done as the play is being performed in Rosthern at the Station Arts Centre on July 19 and 20.
“We have two sold out performances here and then,” Boucher said. “We are going to be in PA next weekend doing this show as well.”
Boucher said they wanted the play performed in a restaurant because it allows them to lean into the interactive nature of the production. The performance will be interactive with characters out in the audience.
“The play at Shenanigan’s will be a tiny bit different just because it’s a different venue, but it’s the same actors,” she explained. “We’ve got a great cast for this one. (It’s) the same sort of idea as when we did Awkward Family Christmas and Loving Leofrick.
“There will be a few set scenes and then the rest of the time we’re just interacting as our characters,” Boucher said.
Boucher said the troupe is often questioned if audience members must get involved. She said that the amount of interaction is up to the audience member.
“We’re not going to pick on anybody. We do pick volunteers from the audience for certain things, but only people who are willing, so people can just relax and have a good time. No one has to interact any more than they’re comfortable with,” Boucher said.
The menu for the performance will feature steak, roasted baby potatoes, fresh grilled vegetables and fresh bread.
It’s going to be really lovely and I think Creme Brulee for dessert,” Boucher said.
Trent Gillespie, who plays Mr. Everett, was part of the original cast at Boreal Bistro and has returned to the character.
“Mr. Everett is the owner of the establishment and the hotel across the way. He is throwing this little Soire regular evening and it just so happened that the Prime Minister and his wife happened to be in town because he is going to be making a speech shortly,” Gillespie said.
Mr. Everett is also a suspect in the murder mystery.
“There’s three other ones as well and over the course of the evening, we’re interrogated and we reveal some information that could lead to our guilt or could lead to our innocence,” Gillespie said.
Gillespie explained that getting back into playing Mr. Everett even with the changes in script since the first performance in 2017.
“I think it was just relearning a few of the new little nuances and kind of getting back into that field again, but that being said the character again was pretty easy to slip into,” he explained.
He encourages people to take in the show next weekend.
“I think it’s going to be a good mystery show with very vibrant characters and I think people will have a great meal and a great entertainment night.”
Boucher encourages people not to wait to get tickets for the show. She said that both previous plays at the venue sold out.
“We don’t want people to miss out. It’s also good to buy at least a couple of days in advance because the caterer needs numbers. Shenanigan’s has planned an amazing meal for this,” Boucher said.
Murder First Class is on July 26-27 at Shananigans Coffee and Desert Bar, doors open at 6:15 and the show begins at 6:45. The show is supported by Saskatchewan Seniors Fitness Association – Lakeland District.
Boucher added that they have set up a children’s price and menu with tickets available for $40 plus GST and taxes. General tickets are $75 plus GST and fees, tickets are available at www.otcimprov.ca.