Parkland Ambulance Care Ltd. recognized the hard work and dedication of their employees with their annual Employee Awards.
The award winners were selected by their peers at Parkland. McKenzie Kriston was named Rookie of the Year, Amanda Brown was named Telecommunicator of the Year, and Cory Kulcheski was named Employee of the Year.
Kulcheski said Parkland Ambulance has a great team. She was grateful to be chosen.
“It’s very special to be recognized by my colleagues,” she said. “There are a lot of great people I work with so to be chosen means a lot.
“I was surprised,” she added. “I was pretty excited because I wasn’t expecting it at all.”
Kulcheski’s colleagues credited her for her willingness to take on extra work if it helps her crews get rest and fed. Colleagues also credited her for being approachable and positive.

The Employee of the Year award is given to a reliable, courteous and compassionate person who continually strives to better each day and provides the best possible care to every patient. They find time to share their talents in social and community events, though their personal schedule maybe busy, their high performance standards and professional conduct are attributes to emulate. This person is recognized for their integrity and dedication to their fellow employees.
Brown also saluted the team at Parkland.
“To me, this award means that I’m surrounded by a team of amazing staff who all play a role in making me a better communications specialist,” she said
“When I found out I won, I was honoured to have been chosen by my peers, but also surprised,” she added. “This award could go to any one of our amazing staff on the communications team.”
Brown’s peers were also glowing in their praise for her work. They described her as someone who uses clear and concise transmissions to complete calls while being pleasant and efficient. They also described her as a colleague with a good sense of humour who was easy to work with, even during busy times.
The Telecommunicator of the Year is an integral part of the team at Parkland Ambulance. Telecommunications personnel are the public’s first link. They need to be courteous, friendly and manage multiple situations in the central dispatch centre. These individuals are the vital link for the safety of the responding paramedic crews and coordinate efforts between other emergency services with diplomacy and efficiency.

Members of the telecommunications team must be articulate, accurate and show their commitment to being part of the health care team at Parkland Ambulance.

Kriston said winning the Rookie of the Year Award means a lot to her. Like the other two winners, however, she was surprised to be selected.
“There are a lot of people who deserved this award, but it’s great to see that my peers have seen the progress I have made throughout the year and not just myself,” Kriston said. “I’m so grateful that my peers have recognized me and my achievements.
“My first thought was ‘really, are you sure?’ But immediately thought about how grateful I am to work with such great people, and an amazing company.”
Kriston’s colleagues credited her for being a reliable worker who was happy and positive, and showed plenty of confidence.
The Rookie of the Year is awarded to a new employee with Parkland Ambulance Care with two years or less service in the EMS field with Parkland Ambulance. This person has shown leadership and initiative in becoming a part of our health care team. They take pride in their work and always strive to do better. This person is a true partner in Parkland Ambulance Care and a proud participant in many community activities.