Saskatchewan now has a total of 366 cases of COVID-19.
Tuesday’s update by the province saw a jump of a single case, located in the Regina region.
Six people are receiving inpatient care, an increase of one; while two people are in intensive care, locations of hospitalizations were not included in government information.
Seventy of the 366 cases are considered active, which is a drop of two from Monday.
The reported deaths in the province remain at five after the confirmation of a death in the far north region Monday.
Three more people have recovered bringing the provincial total to 291.
Thirty-eight of the cases are health care workers, however, the source of the infections may not be related to health care in all instances.
Of the 366 cases in the province, 138 are travelers, 150 are community contacts which includes mass gatherings, both of which is an increase of one over yesterday, 35 have no known exposures. The number of cases under investigation by local public health jumped to 43 on Tuesday, up a single case from the Monday update.
Prince Albert’s Region, the north, continues to report 69 cases. The far north again reports 46 cases. The remaining regions reported are 150 cases in the Saskatoon area, the one new reported case in the Regina area increased it to 75 cases, 15 cases were reported from the south and 11 from the central region the same as previous reports.
The age breakdown shows 30 cases in the 19 years of age and under range, while the rest are adults. The 20-39-year-old age range has 132 cases, 125 cases are in the 40-59-year-old age range (an increase of one from Monday) and 68 cases are in the 60-79-year-old age range, 11 are in the 80-year-old and over range which is the same as previous reports ; the gender breakdown remains 51 per cent of the cases being males and 49 per cent being females.
To date, 28,632 COVID-19 tests have been performed in the province. As of April 24 when other provincial and national numbers are available from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 22,684 people tested per million population and exceeds the national rate of 19,087 people tested per million population.