The Kyla Artist Group held their first live art show and sale in two years on Sunday.
The Spring Celebration Art Show and Sale at Plaza 88 had the group return to a live show for the first time since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Annette Henbid, President and Treasurer for Kyla Arts Group, said they’ve focused on their website, kylaartistgroup.com, for the past two years, so it was nice to get back to in-person events.
“Typically, our main event is a fall show, (but) things seem to be just ramping up in the fall, so we will try a little bigger event in the spring here in town,” Henbid said. “Our website has kept us at least involved somewhat through the COVID pandemic.”
Throughout the month of April, the website hosted a sale for founding members Jack and Linda Jensen who are moving to Toronto. Henbid said the sale generated plenty of interest, but still left the couple with just enough art to keep their home decorated.
Art group membership is still strong with members coming and going. They have a little under 20 right now, with some delays due to non-art related events.
“We have had a couple of things like hip replacement and things are slowing us down,” Henbid explained.
Henbid said they’ve always tried to do something different to separate the spring show from the fall. Typically, that involved hosting the spring event in Saskatoon or Elk Ridge Resort, but now they’re bringing it back to Prince Albert and hosting it in a unique space inside Plaza 88.
The Kyla Artist Group has been around for 40 years and has seen several members come and go.
“The Jensens were founding members, (and) Dennis Abernathy was a founding member,” Henbid said. “There is not much more that are actively painting with us anymore.”
The Show and Sale saw people pick out or pick up art which they had already purchased. That’s one of the biggest changes to the group’s first live show in two years.
“Frequently in the fall show, we used to say the art had to stay on the wall until the end of the evening. We are not doing it that way, just so that people can come and go as they feel safe,” Henbid said.
Henbid added that she hoped for a busy day, especially given the many people in attendance for the opening.
The event was put on with help from the Optimist Club of Prince Albert who presented the show and sale, along with acting as ticket takers and taking care of other aspects for the group.
“It’s just nice to partner with a charity group,” Henbid said. “The Kyla Group used to work with the Kiwanis Club and they have closed here in the city, so for about four years we have been partnering with the Optimists and they are a nice group to work with.”