The Klassic Kruisers Kar Klub turned their recent Christmas party into a way to give back for the holiday season.
Klassic Kruisers president Les Nemish explained that at the club’s Christmas party last Saturday members had to bring a gift that could be donated to the Salvation Army and their Santa Anonymous program.
Nemish said members were happy to donate.
“Everybody had to bring a gift or two or three or whatever they wanted to do,” Nemish said. “Whatever warmed their heart, that’s what they brought.”
The club also had Hot Wheels racing at the party, which had an entry fee of whatever members thought the race was worth. On Friday, the club donated the proceeds from that race too.
“We are presenting them with $120.00 that we collected for the Hot Wheels racing, which was won by two of our lady members,” Nemish said. “Lois Boychuk and Audrey Thomas were our two winners. They beat all the guys, so that’s a that’s going to be a little bit of a rivalry for next year.”
The Klassic Kruisers are continuing to give back on Saturday when they will be working the Kettles at the Walmart from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m., or a full shift.
“There’s rumour that there’s going to be a rivalry that we normally have within the club between the Ford and GM Chevy guys and it’s fun,” Nemish said.
According to Major Ed Dean there could be other ways the rivalry will play out.
“There could even be two kettles with them designated Ford and Chev so that the money does not cross contaminate,” Dean said.
“Our Christmas kettle campaign as well, is underway now, and to have the Klassic Kruisers take the full day at the location is great,” Dean added.
On Dec. 11, the Salvation Army will begin distributing the toys they’ve collected. Dean welcomed the club’s donation, because they are still few toys short.
“We are in need of toys in all age groups as of yet, and so for the Klassic Kruisers to come in with some toys this morning, that is wonderful,” he said. “It helps to bridge that gap in some of the areas that we may be short.”
Dean said that the cash from the club will be used to purchase more toys that they need.
“We may go in and say, you know what, we need some more baby dolls and so we will go and get some more baby dolls to meet that age group,” he explained.