Attracting top talent

Daily Herald File Photo. Local comedian Kelly Taylor is pictured.

Kelly Taylor trying to reinvigorate the P.A. comedy scene

Drew Behm is excited to be coming back to P.A.

The stand-up comic has performed here before, but never as the headlining act.

He’ll get the opportunity to be the main attraction Jan. 10 at the inaugural comedy night, part of a new monthly event at the Rock and Iron Sports Bar.

“P.A. is an awesome party town,” Behm said. “I can’t wait to come back. I’ve always had good times in Saskatchewan and I spent so much time in Saskatchewan a couple of years ago I turned into a Roughriders fan.”

Behm is the first of a series of comics hand-picked by Kelly Taylor, who’s hosting the series.

While Taylor isn’t personally able to attend the first night due to a conflicting gig in Winnipeg, he will be able to make several of the subsequent evenings.

“I’m going to do as many as I can” Taylor said.

Part of the reasoning behind the comedy night is to bring a regular, high-quality comedy night back to Prince Albert.

Behm will perform at the Rock and Iron on Jan. 10 at 9 p.m. Tickets are $15.

For more on this story, please see the Jan. 6 print or e-edition of the Daily Herald.
