The Mann Art Gallery’s Wolf Back a Beer fundraiser will have a different focus this year, and organizers couldn’t be happier.
The annual event began six years ago to raise money for the purchase of a bronze wolf sculpture by Joe Fafard. The sculpture was officially installed last spring, but the fundraiser it inspired is still going strong.
“We’re happy to move on,” Mann Art Gallery curator Jesse Campbell chuckled during an interview on Thursday.
“We received such good feed back from the community, and people were a little bit concerned when we installed the sculpture that the fundraiser would no longer exist,” Campbell explained.
Instead of focusing on one major project, funds from the 2017 event will go towards the gallery’s day-to-day operations. Campbell said there’s always a need for dollars to fund the various gallery programs, and that funding isn’t always easy to come by.
For more on this story, please see the Jan. 6 print or e-edition of the Daily Herald.