Maria Brons
Our 4H year has started off strong with 24 members attending 3 meetings so far.
At our first meeting on Oct. 22, 2022, we set dates for events and elected the following officials:
• President-Katlynn Tait
• Vice President- Lyndee Franc
• Treasurer- Casey Wilson
• Secretary- Grace Hazlewood
• District representative- Katlynn Tait
• Reporter- Maria Brons
Our second meeting on Dec. 9, 2022, was mainly about voting for what non-profit organization the charity steer will be donated to. We all voted and the end decision was the River Valley Resilience Retreat.
The River Valley Resilience Retreat is a non-profit organization founded by a city firefighter, a correctional officer/social worker and retired public service personnel. Its purpose is to help police officers, fire fighters, RCMP, doctors, veterans and all public safety personnel who have or had PTSI or OSI. You can learn more at or their Facebook page.
On Jan. 7, 2023 we roasted hotdogs and got to know each other by playing games for most of the day. We weighed all of the steers and they are weighing up great so if you want some of our extremely yummy beef you can bid for them and the charity steer at our show and sale on June 12, 2023.
We feel this is just the start to what will be a great year!