The construction of a new childcare centre at St. John Community School is scheduled to start in May with the aim of finishing by the end of October.
Prince Albert Catholic School Division education director Lorel Trumier updated the board of education on the project during their regular meeting on Monday. The architecture firm aodbt released an anticipated timeline for construction and the board reviewed the progress.
“That project is moving ahead and we are getting ready to put out a tender here for the project,” Trumier said. “That should be coming out in the next few weeks and hopefully by the end of March or beginning of April, with probably a timeline of sometime in September or October depending on how things go.”
The Catholic School Division and Prince Albert Childcare Co-operative Association have partnered together to create more childcare spaces in the city. That includes new childcare spaces at St. John Community School and St. Michael Community School.
The daycare at St. Michael opened in August 2022. Before and after school age programs will also be available.
The school division signed the agreement with the cooperative on June 15, 2022.
Director Jodene Demorest brought forward the original plan to create a partnership for a Ministry of Education approved childcare in St. John. The daycare would be a 50-space licenced capacity.
The anticipated time of the tender release to SaskTenders is March 24. A site walkthrough is scheduled for March 30 and the tender is scheduled to close on April 16.
“I think it is going to mean a lot for the parents and the community that are working and want to have our children, whether it’s infants, toddlers or children, at one location at either St. John School or the daycare,” Trumier said. “For sure it is going to make a difference. There will be infants, toddlers and preschoolers there and they are hoping to do a before and after school program as well.”
The timeline sees the contractor begin work on May 15 and the construction will be complete in approximately six months.
Trumier said that any new daycare space is a welcome development.