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Home News ‘She’s someone who gets stuff done’

‘She’s someone who gets stuff done’

‘She’s someone who gets stuff done’
Jeannette Eddolls listens to a speaker during the 2014 Prince Albert Citizen of the Year ceremony. -- Jason Kerr/Daily Herald

It’s never an easy decision, but it’s one the Prince Albert Council of Women (PACW) looks forward to making every year.

On Tuesday the organization announced that Jeannette Eddolls would be the 2018 Prince Albert Women’s Hall of Fame inductee. Eddolls has previously been recognized as the 2014 Citizen of the Year, and named a “Woman of Distinction” by the YWCA in 2005. Now, she’s the latest in a long list of people inducted by the PACW.

“There are just so many women in P.A. who do so much and just do it quietly,” said council treasurer and selection committee member Rose Rothenburger. “I think that’s why I’m so excited for this time of year. At least one woman gets a little bit of recognition for what she does.”

Eddolls’ volunteer work in Prince Albert is extensive. It includes everything from teaching ESL courses to volunteering at the Prince Albert Literacy Network, YWCA, Multicultural Centre and Prince Albert Food Bank. Those efforts were recognized in 2016 when she received the Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal.

“She’s just done so much for the community,” Rothenburger said. “It doesn’t matter what event you go to or what organization there is in P.A., it seems Jeannette is there, volunteering.”

However, it wasn’t just Eddolls’ volunteerism that drew the attention of selection committee members.

Past PACW president Chrissy Halliday has worked with Eddolls on numerous projects, and has always been impressed with her work ethic, positivity and passion.

“She is a very, very hardworking woman,” Halliday said. “She is somebody who gets stuff done … She really makes a point, with everything that she does, just to try to build people up.”

Both Halliday and Rothenburger said Eddolls embodies the United Nations’ 2018 Women’s Day theme: “Time is now: rural and urban activists transforming women’s lives,” as well as separate 2018 themes from the federal and provincial governments.

Current PACW president Patricia Leson, who was unavailable for interviews, echoed that sentiment in a written statement sent out on Tuesday.

“Jeannette’s work and dedication, and the diversity of the people she works with, encompasses the three themes for 2018. She is a wonderful addition to the Prince Albert Women’s Hall of Fame.”

Eddolls was also unavailable for an interview by press time on Tuesday. A profile will appear in a future edition of the Daily Herald.

The 2018 Women’s Hall of Fame induction ceremony takes place on March 11 at the Prince Albert Travelodge at 2 p.m. Tickets are available for $20 by calling 306-961-0213, 306-764-5051 or by emailing rose.r@sasktel.net.

International Women’s Day is slated for March 8.