Provost looks to return for another term on Prince Albert Catholic School Division board

Albert Provost/ photo courtesy Prince Albert Catholic School Division

Longtime trustee Albert Provost looks to return to the board table of the Prince Albert Catholic School Division in the election on Monday, Nov. 9. Provost has been on the board for over 20 years because Catholic education is important to him.

 “Catholic Education has been involved in my whole life,” Provost said.

According to his election biography, the very sacred challenge in Catholic schools is to insure that God‘s presence remains in our schools.

“I taught school here and I was principal for over 22 years and I have been on the board for 22 years and I figure I have more to offer the board,” he added.

One important cause to Provost is the Toonies for Tuition campaign. The initiative was spearheaded in Canada by Provost and began in 2011.

“The only three provinces in Canada which have full funding for Catholic schools is Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario and the other provinces they don’t get fully funded, they don’t get any construction and if they build their own schools they get nothing, from nothing to some provinces give them 50 per cent of the operating (expenses),” he explained.

The goal of the campaign is for every Catholic School Division in Saskatchewan, Ontario and Alberta to raise a Toonie per student to support the private Catholic schools in the other provinces.

“If we were to reach that goal we would be over a million and a half dollars. When I started and I found out that they were raising maybe $20,000 or $25,000 a year I thought this was ridiculous,” Provost said.

Each year a trophy is presented for the highest provincial and highest school board/division winner.

In Prince Albert, the total funds raised were $2,250, led by Ecole St. Anne raising the highest dollar amount with $1,200.

This year’s provincial winner was Saskatchewan and the winner of the school board/division trophy was Kenora Catholic Division in Ontario. Prince Albert Catholic previously won the trophy from 2011 to 2017. The province of Saskatchewan also won the provincial trophy from 2011 to 2017.

“ For the first few years our school division raised the most money,” Provost said.

Also noted in his biography Provost wants to ensure administration and staff that the board has great confidence and pride in them and holds them in high esteem.

“Not only do you continue to maintain a high standard of excellence in our classrooms and in our gyms and on our playing fields but it is through your faith, your caring and dedication that our schools are sacred places where God resides.” The biography stated.

“We need more people who are experienced and knowledgeable to be on the boards,” he added.
