Province reports 27 new cases of COVID-19, 11 more recoveries on Thursday

(Saskatchewan Health Authority/Submitted)

Saskatchewan saw 27 new cases of COVID-19 and 11 more recoveries on Thursday.

The new cases are located in the South West (18), South Central (four), Saskatoon (three) and Regina (two) regions. This brings the province to 166 active cases—an increase of 16 from Wednesday.

Twenty-two out of Thursday’s 27 cases are located in communal living settings, with 95 of the total 166 active cases in communal living settings.

“The Saskatchewan Health Authority continues to work closely with Hutterite communities throughout the province,” read a provincial government news release.

“While many of these communities have seen a significant decline in active cases, aggressive testing and contact tracing continues to find new cases in some communities. These efforts are ongoing.”

According to the New and Active Cases by Health Zone chart, the North Central 2 zone—consisting of Prince Albert alone—has one active case.

The North Central 1 zone, consisting of communities such as Christopher Lake, Candle Lake and Meath Park, has three active cases. One person in the area was reported as recovered on Thursday.

Regina has the highest number of active cases as of Thursday, sitting at 40. On Thursday morning, Mayor Michael Fougere held a news conference encouraging residents to wear a mask in indoor public buildings and transportation.

Saskatoon has 29 active cases, followed by the South Central 1 zone (Assiniboia, Gravelbourg, Willow Bunch, etc.) at 28 and the South West 2 zone (Stewart Valley and Swift Current) at 25.

Ten people who have tested positive for COVID-19 are hospitalized. Five people are receiving inpatient care: three in Saskatoon, one in Regina and one in the North Central region. Five people are in intensive care: three in Saskatoon, one in the North Central region and one in the South West.

Saskatchewan has had 1,511 reported cases so far, with 1,325 recoveries.

To date, 116,804 COVID‐19 tests have been performed in Saskatchewan—an increase of 1,800 since Wednesday. The Saskatchewan Health Authority is working to increase testing capacity to 3,000 tests per day by the middle of August and 4,000 tests per day by the beginning of September.

Testing is available to anyone who requests it through a referral from HealthLine 811 or a physician.
