Prince Albert Co-operative Health Centre cleared to re-open

The health centre was closed on Tuesday due to a COVID-19 outbreak

The health centre was cleaned earlier this week using electrostatic disinfection (Kelly Skjerven/Daily Herald)

The executive director of Prince Albert Co-operative Health Centre said she was notified by public health on Friday that the clinic could re-open.

Executive director, Trina Ferguson said after planning and preparations the clinic will re-open Monday.

“The health and safety of our clients and staff continue to be of the upmost importance to us which is why we are limiting in-clinic appointments and we will continue to focus on virtual and telephone support whenever possible. All of our services will be available next week however some of our service delivery will be modified to ensure we are proceeding with caution,” Ferguson said.

The clinic was closed earlier this week after a COVID-19 outbreak was declared. Ferguson said electrostatic disinfection took place Tuesday evening, and public health allowed staff to come back to work on Wednesday.

Ferguson said there was safety precautions put in place at the beginning of the pandemic such as temperature checks, social distancing in the waiting room, and “continuous masking.” The clinic has also been cleaning continuously and using virtual appointments when possible. Protective barriers to protect staff and clients were installed months ago. She said these protocols will continue to be in place.

The clinic has been providing telephone appointments throughout the week.

On Thursday, she told the Saskatoon StarPhoenix that it wasn’t identified how the positive case came to the clinic, so they didn’t know if it was somebody from outside that had brought it in.

On Friday, the province confirmed the clinic’s outbreak was not connected to the Full Gospel Outreach Centre outbreak from last week. That outbreak has been connected to 79 positive cases of COVID-19 throughout the province.
