Model UN General Assembly still relevant

Dear Editor,

Recently, during a discussion about world affairs, in particular the war in Ukraine, I was told the United Nations was proving itself to be irrelevant.

Well try telling that to the fifty two students from four high schools who gathered at a Model United Nations General Assembly (MUNA) held at Carlton Comprehensive School on March 28. Those students represented twenty six countries, where they earnestly, and at times heatedly, presented the views of their country on the war in the Ukraine and also Climate Change.

The students were required to present the views of the country assigned to them – not their personal opinions, something that could be quite challenging at times. But they did it and they did it very well. The two resolutions were phrased in a manner that demanded clearly stated positions from speakers during the debate, and the speakers did exactly that. Well researched and well spoken speeches were the order of the day. Pointed questions from the delegates listening to the speeches made for a day that was exciting, demanding and full.

I have been involved with Model United Nation Assemblies since the mid 1960’s – wow that shows my age – and the one held on March 28th was indeed a good one. The students and staff advisors from Carlton, Martensville High School, St. Mary, and W.P. Sandin High School in Shellbrook should be very proud – they represented clearly the views of the world, and in doing so they showed that the United Nations is indeed relevant!

In closing I wish to commend the Prince Albert Daily Herald which in its March 31st edition did a superb job of telling the public what happened and how well the students did at this years Prince Albert MUNA.

– Morley Harrison, Prince Albert
