Medieval menu

Boreal Bistro and Off the Cuff Improv will be taking residents back in time Friday night.

The restaurant and entertainment troupe are teaming up to host a medieval feast.

The event will feature upscale medieval food and themed entertainment from Off the Cuff.

“Chef Kevin Tetz used to do underground dinners, and he approached us a little while ago about doing themed entertainment along with his dinners,” explained Off the Cuff’s Adreanna Boucher.

The idea went on the backburner when Tetz took over Boreal Bistro. But a few months ago, he contacted Boucher about doing a medieval feast.

“He knew I had done some in the past and would probably like to again,” she said.

This feast, thought, will be much different than those Boucher has done in the past. Those were for a group in Meadow Lake, and mostly scripted. While the improv troupe has a few scenes sketched out, it will be mostly done on the spot.

“People have this fantastic meal, and in between courses, Off the Cuff Improv is going to be performing little vignettes,” Boucher said.

“We’ve come up with a story and some really fun characters we’ve been working on. We’ll be interacting with the audience in character as well as doing these little vignettes. It will be strung together into a silly medieval story for them.”

Tickets for the medieval feast are $55, and available at Boreal Bistro between 7 a.m. and 2 p.m. or by calling 306-764-1200. Tickets can be purchased until Thursday afternoon, as Chef Tetz needs numbers to know how much food to prepare.
