Humboldt strong

By Saturday afternoon on April 7, 2018, a small memorial had been set up on the entrance stairs leading into the Elgar Petersen hockey arena in Humboldt, Sask. -- Evan Radford/Daily Herald

Audrey Miller

Something deep inside of me
Is urging me to write
Some words to try and make some sense
About the Humboldt plight.
It can’t just be coincidence
The Day, the Time, The Place
Where bus met truck, upon that road
To many lives erase.
For everything, a reason
Though we may know not why
We’d give our lives to have them back
As every day we cry.
And yet we all, in sorrow ask
How do we carry on
To keep the faith, forgetting not
Now that they’re with you, Lord
Please keep them at your side
And love them, as we loved them here
You’re needed as their Guide.
We know that they are safe with You
And free from pain and fear
Now that you have called them Home
We ask you keep them near.
We can only pray, Lord
They did not die in vain
We’ll miss them here forever
Until we meet again.

With greatest respect,
Audrey Miller.

The author wrote this piece to mark the one-year anniversary of the tragic crash, and recently submitted it for inclusion in Community Voices.
