The Prince Albert Catholic School Division board of education has officially endorsed the Provincial Education Plan 2020-2030.
Trustees gave their endorsement following a brief discussion at their regular meeting on Jan. 23. Director of education Lorel Trumier said the next step will be notifying the Ministry of Education that the board has endorsed the plan. However, they would like to see the new plan supported by proper funding.
“We did bring up the issue of, ‘will we have the financial support to make sure that this plan can be realized?’” Trumier said.
“It doesn’t matter where you are in the province, the key to any successful plan is the support that we have behind it. We understand that there are, there are finite resources. However, we do know that there are increasing costs and there are some legitimate needs that school divisions would have.”
She said that they hope to see the new plan’s funding backed up in the upcoming provincial budget.
The Provincial Education Plan’s framework provides the basis for the province’s education plan. It was originally released for feedback in 2019 after the Education Summit held by former Education Minister Gord Wyant.
The Ministry is currently working under an Interim Education Plan that began in 2021-2022 and has been extended for another year.
The new long term plan will run from 2023 to 2030, instead of 2020 to 2030, which will affect what education goals the ministry sets. One key aspect included as part of the interim education plan is mental health.
The Provincial Education Council has provided areas of focus for the upcoming plan. The council is made up of educational partners who are not part of the education sector.
The new plan will work from a provincial level and then flow down to school division strategic plans and school level plans.
Operational structure membership includes directors of education from the province, First Nation and Metis education authorities, two members of the Saskatchewan Teachers Federation (STF) and senior officials from the Ministry of Education.
The Interim Provincial Plan was released in August, 2021. The interim plan will be in place until the 10-year plan is completed. The division also recently completed feedback from stakeholders including teachers and parents on the Provincial Education Plan.
The provincial-level plan was originally expected to be released in June 2021.
A response to the endorsement request has a deadline on Feb. 17. Administration recommended that the board endorse the plan.