Pop-up Poetry Walk to take place Saturday

CITY OF PRINCE ALBERT PHOTO An example of a poetry box that poems will be displayed in along Rotary Trail for the Pop Up Poetry Walk on Saturday afternoon.

Words celebrating Prince Albert and area will be on display on Rotary Trail on Saturday in the Pop-Up Poetry Walk. 

The walk will begin at 1 p.m. on Rotary Trail, across the street from Riverside School. The event is succeeding last year’s walk which saw 30 poems displayed in boxes along the river and in windows in storefronts along Central Avenue. 

Lynda Monahan, the organizer of the poetry walk, says the walk will focus more on the Rotary Trail than downtown. 

“It’s on a smaller scale this year, we didn’t put out a lot of poems for the downtown area. We thought since we’ve got the poetry boxes, we might as well make use of them.” 

All poems will be set out in display boxes along the river and throughout the walk, the group will see each one with some poets making an appearance to read their works. 

“The poems that are there are on the theme of summer in the city.” Monahan explains. “What we are doing is a poetry walk, people are invited. A number of the poets whose work is on display will be joining us and reading from their poems. We thought of adding a little bit of culture to the riverbank and it’s just really a great thing to do: to bring poetry to the public eye.” 

“I think that it might be a way to experience poetry and realize how much talent we actually have here in Prince Albert and the poems largely speak to Prince Albert and it’s a very positive image about Prince Albert and the place that we live.” 

