Tuesday COVID update: 1,089 new cases, 189 in hospital, no new deaths

While the number of hospitalizations has taken a jump, the ICU numbers have not yet risen to the heights seen at the peak of the Delta wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

On Jan. 18, the Sask. Health Authority reported 1,089 new confirmed cases and an additional 22 people in the hospital.

With a total of 189 people now hospitalized and positive for the virus, 18 are receiving intensive care.

The vast majority of hospitalizations (86) are in Saskatoon, followed by Regina (46).

The North Central area has 16 people receiving in-patient care and one person in ICU.

Of all the inpatient admissions in Saskatchewan, 95 are with a COVID-related illness, 63 are incidental and 13 have not been determined.

Of the ICU patients, nine are for COVID, six are incidental, two are undetermined and one incident COVID infection is in the PICU/NICU.

There are currently 11,781 active known infections in the province and 3,662 tests were performed.

For vaccinations, 946 new doses were reported for a total of 1,834,160 doses so far. An additional 659 people are now fully vaccinated for a total of 879,033 residents.

No new deaths were reported.

Of the 102,641 cases of COVID in Saskatchewan since the start of the pandemic, 5,667 were in children aged four and under, 10,660 were in children ages five to 11, 12,074 were in the 12 to 19 age group, 37,228 were people in their 20s and 30s, 24,122 were people in their 40s and 50s, 10,076 were those in their 60s and 70s and 2,814 were aged 80 or older.

Provincial highlights are as follows:

As of January 18, there are 1,089 new confirmed cases of COVID-19, bringing the total to 102,641 reported cases

The new cases are located in the Far North West (19), Far North Central (1), Far North East (28), North West (45), North Central (56), North East (9), Saskatoon (433), Central West (26), Central East (49), Regina (187), South West (33), South Central (15) and South East (50) zones and 138 new cases have pending residence information

15 SK residents tested out of province were added to North West (from January 15 (2)), North East (from January 15 (1)), Saskatoon (from January 14 (1), January 16 (1)), Regina (from January 15 (5), January 16 (2)), South West (from January 15 (2)) and South East (from January 16 (1)) zones

102,641 cases are confirmed

-26,091 cases are from the Saskatoon area

-21,962 cases are from the North area (9,552 North West, 9,144 North Central, 3,266 North East)

-21,304 cases are from the Regina area

-13,275 cases are from the South area (2,780 South West, 3,866 South Central, 6,629 South East)

-9,820 cases are from the Far North area (4,650 Far North West, 551 Far North Central, 4,619 Far North East)

-7,986 cases are from the Central area (1,847 Central West, 6,139 Central East)

-2203 cases have pending residence information

-11,781 cases are considered active and 89,899 cases are considered recovered

Nearly two-fifths (39.5%) of new cases are in the age category of 20 to 39

As of January 18, a total of 189 individuals are hospitalized, including 171 inpatient hospitalizations and 18 ICU hospitalizations. Of the 189 patients, 67 (35.4%) were not fully vaccinated.

The SHA dashboard includes 189 hospitalizations: 171 residents are inpatient: of those, 95 inpatient hospitalizations are a COVID-19-related illness, 63 are incidental, COVID infections and 13 have not yet been determined. 17 residents are in ICUs: of those, 9 are for COVID-19-related illnesses, 6 are for incidental, COVID infections and 2 are undetermined. 1 incidental COVID infection is in PICU/NICU.

No new death reported today. 961 Saskatchewan residents with COVID-19 have died, with a case fatality rate of 0.9%.

1,389,323 COVID-19 tests have been performed in the province. As of January 15, 2022, when other provincial and national numbers are available from PHAC, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 1,167,387 tests performed per million. The national rate was 1,437,165 tests performed per million.

The 7-day average of new COVID-19 case numbers was 1,219 (101.2 new cases per 100,000).

Since January 1, the New Cases by Vaccination Status table has shown a significant number of new cases as unvaccinated. This data is not accurate. This table is no longer featured on the dashboard until a review of the information is complete and the data
