Try Transit Day: city giving free bus rides for cleaner air

Prince Albert public transit has over 120 stops. (Herald file photo)

The City of Prince Albert is encouraging residents to take advantage of public transit in hopes of helping the environment.

On June 5—the day of a national campaign called Clean Air Day—they’re offering free bus rides and giving away prizes for doing so or for learning about the city’s transit system.

By filling out a ballot when you ride the bus, you’re entered to win a Marley bluetooth speaker. If you post a photo to social media and use the hashtag #TryTransit, you’re entered to win an additional contest for a Prince Albert bunny hug.

From 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Try Transit Day, Transportation and Traffic Manager Keri Sapsford will be at a booth at the Transit Transfer Station downtown. You can also fill out a ballot there for a water park family pass and a transit prize pack.

There will be three food trucks on site.

“I know that a lot of people aren’t aware of how (transit) can work for them or that it is there even,” said Sapsford. “Because we are a small city, our routes aren’t going to be perfect for everyone. We can’t provide service like Toronto can, but we can get people to where they need to go.”

She encouraged people to use transit to limit pollution.

“You’re using one vehicle versus 20 vehicles on the road, so you’re reducing your emissions and cleaning the air,” she said.

Clean Air Day is in conjunction with Environment Week and the National Commuter Challenge, which encourages alternative forms of transportation to lower your environmental footprint.
