There were many treasures to be found at the third annual P.A. Antique, Collectable, Hunting, and Fishing Show, which took place in the Exhibition Centre on Saturday, Oct. 21 and Sunday, Oct. 22.
Bryant Webb was among 28 vendors with more than 100 tables of merchandise at the show which featured hunting, fishing, and antiques.
Webb, who is from Saskatoon, has been collecting gas pumps, signs, oil cans, general store items and oil and gas memorabilia for close to a decade. He explained that his passion came from a love for older items.
“I just started going to the auctions back in the day and just liked a lot of the older stuff,” he said,
Webb’s collection includes historical tobacco signs and gas station signs and a collection of vinyl records. The gas station signs came with some family history.
“The in-laws used to have their own gas stations back in the day so I’d see the stuff at their house and then wanted to collect my own,” Webb said.
His collection at the show included two restored gas pumps.
Webb only had a small portion of his collection at the show. Included in his collection was old Black Cat and Sportsman tobacco signs.
“Those actually came out of an old granary,” he said. “The inside of the building was lined with signs. The outside was with wood, so when the mice would eat through the bed, they couldn’t get through. Luckily they put the actual sign part, put the advertising on the inside, so it wouldn’t rust out.”
Webb found the signs in Southern Saskatchewan. He said that he tours the province to find treasures.

Webb was happy to be at the show, which he said was an excellent one.
“The show is great. People should come out and check it out next year.”