SGI is reminding drivers to slow down during the month of April.
The traffic safety spotlight for this month is speeding.According to a press release, in 2016 there were more than 124,000 speeding tickets in
Saskatchewan, or about one ticket for every 6.5 drivers.
“You’re probably thinking to yourself, ‘Whoa, that sounds like a lot of speeding tickets,’” a press release said.
“We agree. Excessive speed is one of the leading factors in traffic-related deaths and injuries. In 2016, 22 people died in speed-related crashes on Saskatchewan roads. Another 579 were injured. That’s why SGI and police across Saskatchewan have made speeding and aggressive driving the focus of April’s Traffic Safety Spotlight. And, with speeding fines set to go up on May 1, it’s the perfect time to remind drivers to #SlowDown.”
There are a number of different speed-related offences under the Traffic Safety Act, and fines vary based on the offence and how fast you’re going. The cost goes up for every kilometre per hour you’re over the limit.
Exceeding the speed limit by 20 km/h on a regular street or highway leads to a $130 fine, including the Victims of Crime surcharge, and km/h charges. In a school zone, it costs you $230. If you speed in an orange 60 km/h construction zone, it will cost you $330 for going 80 km/h and $530 for going 100 km/h.
As of May first, the base fine will increase by $30 and the km/h charge will double.
“Here’s a tip: you don’t need to speed. Public roads are not racetracks,” the press release said.
“There’s no checkered flag, and you’re not Danica Patrick or Dale Earnhardt Jr.”
According to Auto Fund COO Penny McCune, speed limits aren’t just guidelines.
“Posted speed limits are not suggestions; they tell you how fast you’re legally allowed to drive,” she said.
“The best way to avoid a ticket? Don’t speed. And remember that those speed limits are for ideal conditions, which is not something we experience every day of the year in Saskatchewan.”