SGI says in a press release that police are allowed to use alchohol screening on stopped drivers.
Statistics given in a press release show that impaired driving continues to be the leading cause of fatal accidents across Saskatchewan. SGI hopes that reminding the public that police are legally
allowed to run alchohol tests on a driver will help people be safer on the roads, lessen the number of deaths, and avoid the costly decision of refusing the demand.
The federal law that allows police to run these tests had taken effect in 2018, but police say that many drivers they confront don’t know that they’re required to take the alchohol screening.
“SGI wants to help drivers make good, informed choices that will keep all road users safe and keep them out of trouble,” said JP Cullen, Chief Operating Officer of the Auto Fund. “We want to help make sure people are aware of the federal legislation that gives police the right to administer this test. The test itself only takes a few seconds, and if the driver doesn’t exceed the legal limits for alcohol, they will be quickly on their way.”
Drivers that don’t want to take an alchohol test can be charged with a Criminal Code offense, that include punishment that are equal to or worse than people with impaired driving charges, including a liscnce
suspension, a minimum 30-day vehicle impoundment, mandatory impaired driver education, a minimum of a $2,000 fine, atleast a $1,250 Safe Driver Recognition penalty, and a minimum of a one-year Ignition
Interlock requirement.
SGI advises drivers to take the test, regardless of if they are impaired or not.