SGI is putting out awareness for driver distraction and inattention for the months of January and February
“The act of driving requires focus and concentration,” said JP Cullen, the Chief Operating Officer of the Auto Fund. “Drivers need to pay attention to what other vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians are doing while steering, braking, signaling and watching for traffic lights, signs and road hazards. When distractions break a driver’s concentration, the risk of a serious or even fatal collision increases dramatically.”
According to SGI, the majority of collisions involve some sort of human error and a distracted driver is more likely to make a mistake behind the wheel.
It is important for other road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists to pay attention as well, in case a driver is not.
Tips for pedestrians include: cross at crosswalks and do not jaywalk, heed walk and don’t walk signals and to look both ways before stepping onto a road.
Cyclisits are encouraged to be careful at intersections, particularly when making left turns since cyclists are smaller then a vehicle and drivers may not notice them. Use arm signals when turning and changing lands and to wear a helmet and reflective clothings.