An additional seven cases of COVID-19 were reported in the North Central district on Dec. 9, with a total of 69 active cases now in the area, an increase of four from the day before.
Eight people remain in hospital after contracting the virus, with one of those in ICU. No new deaths were reported.
Of the 936 residents that have died of COVID since the start of the pandemic, three were in the 19 and under age group, 38 were in their 20s or 30s, 107 were in their 40s and or 50s, 824 were between the age of 60 and 79 and 404 were 80 or older.
While the province has confirmed four cases of the new Omicron variant in one family that recently travelled, no information on which part of Saskatchewan they are from has been made available.
Across Saskatchewan, 88 people are receiving in-patient care and 30 people are receiving intensive care. One resident remains in Ontario hospital.
Of the people hospitalized, 77 were not vaccinated.
As of Dec. 9., there were 59,174 residents fully vaccinated in North Central, an increase of 95 people from the previous day. A total of 239 doses were given out.
Provincially, 2,350 new doses were reported and 842,292 residents are now considered fully vaccinated.
For the province, 62 new cases were reported today, bringing the total to 81,572.
They are located in the Far North West (1), North West (3), North Central (7), Saskatoon (14), Central West (2), Central East (7), Regina (12), South West (1), South Central (4), and South East (10) zones and one (1) new case have pending residence information.
81,572 cases are confirmed
19,899 cases are from the North area (8,845 North West, 8,217 North Central, 2,837 North East)
19,446 cases are from the Saskatoon area
15,920 cases are from the Regina area
10,270 cases are from the South area (2,194 South West, 2,999 South Central, 5,077 South East)
9,371 cases are from the Far North area (4,404 Far North West, 541 Far North Central, 4,426 Far North East)
6,132 cases are from the Central area (1,443 Central West, 4,689 Central East)
534 cases have pending residence information
622 cases are considered active and 80,014 cases are considered recovered.
One-quarter (25.8%) of new cases are in the age category of 40 to 59.
Almost one-half (46.7%) of new cases eligible for vaccination (aged 5 years and older) were fully vaccinated.
As of December 9th, a total of 118 individuals are hospitalized, including 88 inpatient hospitalizations and 30 ICU hospitalizations. Of the 118 patients, 77 (65.3%) were not fully vaccinated.
In addition to SK ICU counts, there is one resident receiving out of province care in hospital. As this patient is receiving care out of province, this number is not included in the hospitalization counts in the dashboard.
No new deaths reported today. 936 Saskatchewan residents with COVID-19 have died, with a case fatality rate of 1.1%.
There have been 1,294,080 COVID-19 tests performed in the province. As of December 7, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers are available from PHAC, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 1,092,680 tests performed per million. The national rate was 1,296,888 tests performed per million.
The 7-day average of new COVID-19 case numbers was 60 (5.0 new cases per 100,000).