The Saskatchewan Rivers School Division board of education is planning to get to know new representatives on School Community Councils.
The division has started planning for a mini-engagement meeting with SCC chairs on Oct. 24.
“We are looking forward to that,” Sask. Rivers education director Robert Bratvold said. “We had a gathering last June with all of our SCCs and got some good feedback from them at that time and we are planning another one for Oct. 24.”
Bratvold said it will give them a chance to meet any new representatives after elections were held in the fall.
“(It will be) having some conversations around those most essential things that they want to talk about,” he explained. “Supporting the learning environment in the school, supporting and achieving those outcomes, connecting and building relationships, all kinds of things that SCCs can focus on. (We’re) looking forward to that afternoon.”
The meeting will open with a welcome followed by round table discussions with each trustees and their school clusters. Another feature will be geographically close SCCs having a breakout session.
The update on planning was done by new superintendent Garette Tebay.
During the meeting the board also discussed the upcoming Saskatchewan School Boards Association (SSBA) fall AGM coming up in November. The board had a discussion around the change in voting for the assembly where it has moved to electronic voting.
“There was lots of really good discussion about democracy and resolutions and you can see the passions and their beliefs. And that is a great thing,” Bratvold said.
At their previous meeting the board submitted resolutions to be discussed with the SCC.
“We have already submitted our resolutions for consideration of the assembly and we are going to have some more conversation at our board table around what other resolutions are submitted and what our board believes about them and how they are going to strengthen education. That’s a piece that will maybe come up,” Bratvold said.