RM of Prince Albert to explore funding models for Sunshine Road security light project

Residents of Sunshine Road located east of Prince Albert noticing an increase in incidents on the road came to the RM of Prince Albert’s regular meeting on Thursday, Sept. 10 with a proposed solution.

The delegation, made up of Janice Olesko and Regan Grimwood, presented a conceptual pilot project that the council will now look into ways of funding.

“The funding numbers he had described there was going to be over $80,000 for each unit. At a total cost of touching $45,000, five units equally spaced along five properties. They are solar powered so not requiring any additional infrastructure other than foundation,” Reeve Eric Schmalz said.

The Latitude 57 off-grid lighting system is designed for use for things such as security, parks, pathways and parking lots.

The system is custom built and size, shape, color and design can be ordered to suit needs. The latitude 57 is automatic and programmable and includes a remote control. The system is manufactured by Edo Grid Solutions based in Langley, British Columbia. After the delegation, council made a resolution to agree to explore alternative funding options for the pilot project proposed by the residents of Sunshine Road.

The infrastructure would then be financed through a tax levy on the residents of Sunshine Road who participate.

“There is options for the residents because the residents would essentially be financing these fixtures using the RM as the administrating arm of their financing through the Saskatchewan Municipal Board (SMB). What would happen was eventually the property owners would own the infrastructure and then they could do whatever they want. There was talk that they wanted to put cameras on the poles and stuff like that. And if the RM owns those it becomes a liability issue,” Schmalz said.

Grimwood, who owns Prince Albert Alarm Systems, came with a complete cost breakdown. The retail cost is $6,497.50 per unit with a labour cost of $580 each per stand (including boom truck rental). The screw pile cost is $1,343.75. The total cost per unit is $8,421.25 for a total cost of $42,106.25 for all five.

The matter was discussed in a meeting of concerned citizens with Division 2 councillor Tyler Hazelwood. Sunshine Road is a popular spot for illegal activity and congregating Hazelwood said. The five people want the five light systems at the end of their driveway.

Grimwood explained at the meeting that he would be open to a tax levy because of all of the problems that have happened on the road.

Schmalz explained at the meeting that more people should form community groups like the one on Sunshine Road to serve as advocates for issues as it would simplify the process and give the areas a single voice when talking to council. The meeting with Hazelwood was an unofficial community association meeting.

They want to have one point of contact and in this case, Grimwood agreed to act as the intermediary.

“We are trying to be very proactive to protect our community,” Olesko said.

She made a very impassioned presentation on trying to deal with criminal activity on Sunshine Road.

“I know from experience that we have had property stolen and damage and garbage and the police say ‘do you have insurance’ well what does that matter? Or we couldn’t get here because we were so busy at Muskoday, well excuse me I also pay taxes,” she said.

She explained that the RCMP and the Prince Albert Police Service (PAPS) are both supportive of the concept.

Half of Sunshine Road is located in the City and half is located in the RM.

Schmalz praised the delegation for their work in getting the concept together.

“I want to commend you all both who are present today and anyone else who is involved with this. As an RM council and in my past life as a police officer you get phone calls and we get phone calls that we have a problem and we want a solution but there is not a lot of commitment by individuals making those calls to find solutions themselves or help us find a solution that we can help the issue. You have that here and we appreciate that. Regardless of how this plays out it is the engagement of citizens like you that make our efforts more cohesive,” he said.

“We appreciate everything that you guys are doing and we appreciate your willingness to come here today and make this presentation.”
