Registration open for field lacrosse season

Herald File Photo. A member of the Prince Albert Prairie Dogs takes a faceoff in this Herald file photo.

The field lacrosse season is going to look different in Prince Albert this year.

Registration for the 2024 Fall Field Lacrosse season opened on Wednesday from U9 all the way through U20.

Matt Robin, the Field Sector Chair for Prince Albert Lacrosse says he is looking forward to seeing the season get underway.

“I’m really excited to see the season actually finally open up for us. It has started in other MAs but seeing how this year the actual festivals and provincials and tournaments are actually taking place in the fall, it’s going to be very interesting across the entire province.”

In previous years, the field lacrosse season took place at the same time as the box lacrosse season. This year, the provincial championships have been moved to fall.

“That’s new this year (that) it’s taken effect.” Robin says. “Everybody assumed the season ran until the end of June (or) July, but the season ran for the whole regular year, which would be April to October. We just simply moved the championship and provincials to the fall. Team are still practicing right now in some areas.”

According to Robin, the registration numbers for field are typically around a third of what PA Lacrosse gets for the box season. With the organization moving the registration date and the provincial championships being moved back, Robin is hopeful the registration numbers will increase.

“The main reason for moving this thing was to try to open up more spots for box (lacrosse) and let kids just focus on one aspect of the sport at a time and we’re also hoping to get more box players out for field lacrosse. It’s going to be very interesting and very exciting.”

Teams in Prince Albert will practice during the week and participate in tournaments, known as festivals, during the weekends. Robin says there are already some events scheduled, with Prince Albert playing a major role at the end of the season.

“It’s going to start in August here. We’re going to run some practices for August and then there’s a couple festivals in September already scheduled, one in Yorkton, one in Regina and then the actual season wraps up with the U11 and U13 championships in Prince Albert the first weekend in October. The Thanksgiving weekend is going to be for the U15s, U17s and U20s also in Prince Albert.”

Those seeking more information about field lacrosse or registration can reach out to Prince Albert Lacrosse.
