Bianca Bharti, Daily Herald
Prince Albert’s annual playground program kicked off yesterday with a new feature — a spray park at the Crescent Acres Community Club.
“It’s a really exciting opportunity there,” said the city’s recreation coordinator Curtis Olsen. “Most of our locations have some sort of water feature. It’ll add to that whole area and our programming.”
The program is designed to get kids off their phones and couches and get them moving and having fun outdoors, said Olsen.
Group leaders will incorporate the new water park into activities
With ten different locations, kids across the city get to participate in sports, crafts and games headed by trained group leaders. It’s free for anyone to participate, but kids must register the day they go to play.
The program runs Monday to Thursday 12 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Friday, Saturday and Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The Westview, Hazeldell and West Hill locations only run Monday to Friday, the rest — Bernice Sayese Centre, Midtown, Crescent Acres, Miller Hill, Crescent Heights, Parkland and Ella Muzzy — operate as scheduled.
On Thursday, July 19, the city will also host KidzFest in Kinsmen Park. The event will feature live entertainment, magicians, bouncy castles, facepainting and loads of games for kids.