Lifting spirits with music: Concert Choir holding first performance of season this weekend

(Herald file photo)

Members of the Prince Albert Concert Choir are warming up their voices for their performance on Sunday.

Taking place at the Calvary United Church starting at 7:30 p.m., President Margaret Duncombe said the concert “will lift (people’s) spirits.”

“Music always does that,” she emphasized. “It gives you a chance to celebrate the season.”

The four-part choir sings soprano, bass, tenor and alto, explained Duncombe, creating a harmonious sound. They’ve been practising for their holiday concert since September.

“It’s beautiful choral music, and we’re doing kind of a combination of some traditional Christmas music and then we have some other pieces that are calypso and folk, but it’s basically all seasonal.”

For the first time, the group decided to donate their proceeds to the Rose Garden Hospice. The future hospice on the corner of Marquis Road and Fourth Avenue West will provide a home-like setting for terminally ill patients.

“We felt that it was a really valuable cause. We all voted and this was by far the charity that was the consensus of the choir that we’d like to offer for,” said Duncombe.

“It’s a huge need in the community.”

Karen and Michael Langois, two well-known artists in the city, will be also be performing. Karen will sing while Michael plays the piano.

“Every year when we have a concert, we feature a special musical guest. In this case, Karen had actually sung with our choir for one year and now, of course, they’re busy in the community doing all sorts of things to support singers, the broadway musicals, but this is a chance for us to feature them.”

Duncombe said the concert will end at about 9 p.m. There will be refreshments served afterwards at the church.

“There’s normally a good group of people that remain, so it’s a time of listening to music but also a little bit of fellowship,” she said.

Admission is by donation.

This is one of two performances by the Prince Albert Concert Choir throughout the season. In January, the group will start practicing for their spring concert.
