“Everything’s got to end sometime. Otherwise, nothing would ever get started.” – Doctor Who
This month, graduates of the Class of 2024 will cross the stage to receive their diplomas.
To each of you, you’ve worked long and hard during your school career to reach this pinnacle. This is a time to acknowledge your achievement, a time to celebrate with your community and loved ones, but especially, a time for you to take pride in the milestone you’ve reached. You now have the knowledge, skills, and humanity to tackle this next stage of life.
You are capable of incredible change. You can evolve while staying true to who you are. You can honour who you’ve been and who you want to be next. Now is your time.
Some of you may have plans of continuing your academic careers, some of you will be moving into your chosen careers, and some of you may still be seeking the answer to “what next”?
I encourage you to dig deep into yourselves, find out who you are, discover what matters to you and the differences you want to make because this world needs you!
It needs you to decide what in this world is worth standing for, and it is your turn to be the world-change you want to see. As you make these decisions, resist the pressure to be impulsive. Grant yourself the time and thoughtfulness to examine the possible outcomes. Reach out to those you respect and consider what they have to say carefully. Stand on the shoulders of giants who can help you to see far ahead.
At the same time, give yourself permission to fail. Fail well. Use failure to build wisdom and refine your vision for success. Be courageous in the face of failure, knowing that courage is being afraid, and doing what you have to do anyway.
Your greatest adventure is about to begin, whatever path you choose. Understand your rights in this society, but also understand, and embrace, your responsibilities. Remember our Saskatchewan motto, “Multis e Gentibus Vires” (from many peoples strength). Together, with your strengths, we will build Saskatchewan into a place where hope abounds and opportunity for success is available to all.
In all of this, be the best of humanity. Whatever state you find yourself in at this moment, pledge to live fully with compassion and love as your compass. In this, you are guaranteed to create a better world for yourself and others.
Congratulations, Class of 2024! Well done.