Kistahpinanihk Paddling Club preparing for new season

Photo Courtesy of Dwight Bergstrom The Kistahpinanihk Paddling Club received help from workers at PCL Construction in installing their dock at their boathouse for the upcoming season.

It’s been an exciting last couple of weeks for those involved with the Kistahpinanihk Paddling Club.

After receiving some help from PCL Construction workers in installing their dock in front of their boathouse on the North Saskatchewan River, the club is now preparing for their 2021 season.

“We’re getting the wheels to turn here a little bit,” program coordinator Dwight Bergstrom said on Friday.

“The COVID-19 protocols is something we all have to work around of course but I think we’re a pretty good outdoor activity for people to be involved in and we’re hoping that some of the protocols that are in place now are lifted a bit here as the summer goes on.”

The KPC is also planning to learn from some of the lessons they learned from last year as people were getting back to outdoor sports during the early days of the pandemic.

“We have a youth program that we run with the Prince Albert Grand Council and if someone wasn’t feeling well in one of the groups last year, we would shut that group down and have all of the kids and our staff tested,” Bergstrom said. “Nobody had COVID-19 thankfully, but its important to make sure that all of the protocols are followed so that we can safely run the programs for the kids.

“When it comes to our other programming that we run out of the boathouse, we don’t need a bunch of people hanging around inside or outside. If everyone spaces out and wears a mask, I think we should be in good shape as we go forward.”

Bergstrom is expecting a busy summer out on the water, especially as people look to keep active in a safe manner.

“I think the timing of our season is just right as more people get outside and realize just how good of an environment the club is,” Bergstrom said.

“I know the stores here have sold a lot more paddling gear recently and we’re hoping to see more people showing up and wanting to be involved with us. There’s different groups for what your skill level and age is, and we’ve made an effort to keep the costs down for families.”

Those who are looking for more information on the Kistahpinanihk Paddling Club can visit the group’s Facebook page or email
