RCMP officers are searching for a 43-year-old inmate who was reported missing during a head count at the Willow Cree Healing Lodge on Saturday, Dec. 16.
Staff discovered Leslie Sand was unaccounted for at around 5 p.m. on Saturday at the minimum-security federal institution.
The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) immediately contacted the Rosthern Detachment of the RCMP and a warrant for Sand’s arrest.
Sand is listed as 5’10” and 146 pounds. He has a fair complexion, green eyes, brown hair and a smiley face tattoo on his right calf.
Sand is currently serving a sentence of four years, four months, eight days for possession of a prohibited/restricted firearm with ammunition, possession of a weapon contrary to prohibition order, possession of a firearm knowing it was altered/defaced, possession of property obtained by crime under $5,000, careless use/storage of a firearm, obstructing public/peace officer, obtaining credit by false pretenses, false pretenses, under $5,000.
Anyone who has information about Sand’s whereabouts is asked to contact the Rosthern Detachment of the RCMP.
CSC will investigate the circumstances of this incident and is working with the Rosthern Detachment of the RCMP to locate the offender as quickly as possible.
CSC has given the police all of the information available to help arrest the inmate.