Health authority restricts visitors at Saskatoon’s Parkridge Centre after COVID-19 case

(Parkridge Centre/Facebook)

The Saskatchewan Health Authority is restricting visitors at Parkridge Centre in Saskatoon after a case of COVID-19 in the long-term care home.

At this time, read the alert, family presence and visitation is limited to compassionate reasons, which includes end-of-life situations.

“The decision to restrict family presence is not taken lightly. These measures are in place to keep you, your loved ones and health care workers safe,” it said.

Family members and other support people must go through health screening prior to entering the facility. This includes temperature checks and questionnaires.

You’re also required to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer when entering and leaving, as well as to wear a medical grade mask and other protective equipment if required.

For more information on precaution measures, symptoms and testing, visit
