The provincial government says Diefenbaker Bridge is in good shape to handle increasing traffic volumes, provided it is properly maintained in the future.
On Monday, the government released the results of an analysis of the bridge conducted in November 2016 by ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd. The analysis says repairs will have to be made in the near future, but overall the bridge is in working condition.
“While our analysis indicates that the fatigue life of the horizontal bracing connection may be coming to the end of its life, this does not mean the structure cannot continue to serve its purpose,” the report reads. “Its loading capacity is still adequate for the transportation of goods and the Ministry has a number of options to keep the bridge in service.”
The report’s most important item was the state of repairs completed in 2011 to a major fracture known as a Constraint Induced Fracture (CIF). According to the report, the repairs are “functioning as intended and requires no further work.” However, there are other concerns.
For the rest of this story, please see the Oct. 24 online or print edition of the Daily Herald.