A motion calling on the city to create a working group aimed at tackling homelessness, hunger and drug abuse, starting with the downtown core, passed unanimously Tuesday evening.
The motion, put forward by Ward 6 Coun. Blake Edwards, calls on the city to play a role by bringing together local frontline organizations to find out what they do, what they need and what support the city can provide.
“The idea of bringing this group together is to communicate with each other,” he said.
“many are fighting for the same funds, the same battle and the same cause. We need to have communication on how we can get there, how we can get these improvements.”
It’s important to keep city decision-makers in the loop, he said, as well as representatives from the provincial and federal government and agencies.
“I think it should be city-led because it is impacting the city,” Edwards said.
Ward 8 Coun. Ted Zurakowksi agreed that the city has a role to play in those discussions.
“That’s as the host. This is a conversation that will grow. I think it’s time we had this roundtable discussion.”