Prince Albert Fire Department on pace for fewest service calls since 2013


Service calls to the Prince Albert Fire Department will likely be lower than they were one year ago, and department officials credit education and control burn programs for the drop.

The department received its 1000th call for service this year on Boxing Day, which is well past last years mark. In 2015, the 1000th call came on Nov. 17.

Fire department Chief Jason Everitt said a quiet spring combined with a prescribed burn program helped lower the numbers.

Barring a surge in call numbers over the next week, the department will have to answer far less than the 1,120 calls for service recorded in 2015.

Everitt said the total call numbers tend to float around the 1,000 call mark from year-to-year, but teaching and inspection programs are having an effect.

For more on this story, please see the Dec. 28 subscription-based print or e-edition of the Daily Herald.

Lighting the spark


Prince Albert Northern Bears defenceman Colby Donald had never run a practice before, but it’s an experience she was happy to have.

Donald, along with teammates Story Navrot, Jadyn Kushniruk and Sierra Parenteau, accompanied coach Jeff Willoughby to Pinehouse, Sask. to promote Hockey Day in Saskatchewan.

Part of those duties involved teaching skills to the next generation of hockey players, which was something Donald was eager to do.

“I thought it was a really nice experience,” she said. “I’ve never done anything like that, to help (demonstrate) a practice. It was really interesting to see how drills were planned and to help develop skills in the northern communities.”

For the four teammates, there was a special emphasis on promoting women’s hockey. Lots of girls try the sport and enjoy it, but they sometimes need a little push to stay involved.

For more on this story, check out the subscription-based print or e-edition of the Daily Herald.

Home for Christmas


When volunteers roll out the turkey and stuffing at the annual Community Christmas Dinner on Sunday, the event will look a little different than it did 16 years ago.

Roughly 700 people attended that inaugural dinner back in 2000, which cost organizers about $1,500 to host. This year, organizers are preparing for an attendance level that dwarfs that figure.

It’s expected that more than 3,000 meals will be served on Christmas Day, which organizers say is a reflection of how important the event is to the community.

“It’s tough times for our people,” organizing committee chairman Sol Sanderson explained. “Not just indigenous people, non-indigenous people as well.”

Sanderson has worked as an organizer, fundraiser or volunteer for the community dinner since its inception. During that time he’s watched attendees and volunteers, who come from across the north to help, embrace the event with zeal.

“It’s really encouraging to see people prepare to give voluntarily,” he said.

The annual dinner attracts a wide variety of attendees, from truck drivers to seniors to out-of-town visitors

Organizers want the event to be a true community dinner, so everyone is welcome attend. It’s also free, which couldn’t be done without a generous group of donors.

Sanderson said the costs of food and other necessities goes up every year, so those donations become more and more important, and he thanked those who gave them the support to make it happen.

The annual Community Christmas Dinner is scheduled to run from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Christmas Day at St. Mary High School. To volunteer or donate, call 922-3071 or 980-7794.

For more on this story, please see the subscription-based print or online version of the Prince Albert Daily Herald

The waiting game


The Prince Albert Housing Authority’s general manager says they’re making repairs as quickly as they can to the Sherman Towers apartment building, but maintains the problem isn’t as severe as residents think.

In an interview on Thursday, Dave Deobald said problems began after a heating coil “cracked beyond repair” on the main floor roughly two weeks ago. However, he said the staff has their hands tied until new parts arrive.

Deobald added that maintenance personal were attempting to find out why there was a delay, but so far had received no response.

Once the parts do arrive, he said fixing the coil shouldn’t be a problem.

“It’s maybe a four-hour job to get everything fixed.”

To try and warm the building up, housing authority staff set up space heaters around the main floor. Deobald said those heaters were stolen and haven’t been replaced. Problems were further complicated when someone propped the building’s main door open overnight, causing two more coils to break down.

For more on this story, please see the Dec. 23 subscription-based print or e-edition of the Daily Herald.

Prince Albert Housing Authority General Manager Dave Deobald say repairs will be made to heating infrastructure at Sherman Towers as soon as possible, but employees can’t do anything until the necessary parts arrive.
Jason Kerr/Daily Herald

Development coming to north end


City sells $975,000 lot to Prince Albert Co-operative Association Ltd.

A new development is coming to the north end of Prince Albert after city councillors approved the sale of a 5.34 acre lot on Monday.

The property, located just off Hwy 2, at 60 15th Street Northwest, was sold for $975,000 to the Prince Albert Co-operative Association Ltd. According to a report presented to city council, the location will be used for a new bulk fuel storage site.

The co-operative association must pay a 10 per cent deposit of pro-rated taxes for 2016 before the end of the year. Full sale payment must also be made within six months from the date of purchase, and there is a one-year build commitment.

For more on this story, please read the Prince Albert Daily Herald’s subscription-based print or e-editions.

Fighting food insecurity


Local organizers take on hunger with Little Free Pantry project

After three months of activity, a newly introduced project is putting a dent into local hunger.

In September, nursing students from the University of Saskatchewan began collaborating with Prince Albert Parkland Health Region nurses to open a number of Little Free Pantry and Little Free Wardrobe boxes around the community.

The boxes are filled with free food and winter clothes for needy citizens, and so far the effect has been noticeable.

“There’s a quick turnover rate,” nursing student Larissa Lepine said. “These things are being used.”

So far there are seven such boxes around the city, and students are in the process of tracking down just how much use they receive. It’s a little too early to know precisely how much free food and clothing is being distributed, but observation suggests it’s a lot.

“The one by Our House on 15th (Street East), it’s always empty and then filled empty and then filled, but it’s also a very high traffic area,” explained Leah Serviss, another nursing student.

For more on this story, please read the Prince Albert Daily Herald’s subscription-based print or e-editions.

Fond memories for honourary chair


Prince Albert Winter Festival to recognize long-time contributor at inaugural gala

More than 30 years after his last year with the Prince Albert Winter Festival, Wes Stubbs is back where he started.

Stubbs, a former winter festival board member for 17 years, was unveiled as the 2017 festival’s honourary chair on Thursday in recognition of his past service.

For the long-time Prince Albert resident, getting the call was an exciting moment.

“When (current winter festival chair) Barry (Mihilewicz) called me, I didn’t know if he said ornery or honourary,” Stubbs joked after a short ceremony at the Alfred Jenkins Field House. “I was quite pleased to be asked, and I’ll be attending all the events this year.”

Stubbs first started with the winter festival in 1967, two years after the event began. He continued his involvement into the 1980s, although in a reduced role after he became Prince Albert’s police chief.

On Monday, Stubbs fondly remembered some of the shows he helped organize. He said that although today’s festival isn’t as big an event as it used to be, the current organizers are doing a great job revitalizing it.

“We had a lot of good indoor events. Even the old-time fiddling used to attract a lot of people. We don’t get quite so many now, but it’s still something that we can revitalize,” he said.

For more on this story, please read the Prince Albert Daily Herald’s subscription-based print or e-editions.