Things are about to get crazy at Wesmor Public High School.
Last May, a group of students from the Prince Albert school entered a Saskatchewan Teachers Federation (STF) video contest designed to showcase unique schools from across the province.
On Wednesday those efforts paid off, as the school won the $10,000 grand prize draw.
“It was unbelievable. I didn’t think we really had a chance because our school was so small,” said Grade 12 student Amanda Skotheim, one of several students who worked on the project. “We didn’t have much time to make the video but, yeah, we’re ecstatic.”
“I wanted to throw the ribbons that we had. I was really excited,” chuckled Grade 11 student Camryn Corrigal, who also helped with the project. “I’ve never won anything, especially with a big group like we have for the leadership classroom. It’s going to be something great for our school.”
Wesmor was one of 36 schools from across the province to enter the competition. Their video used a retro video game theme to showcase student groups, special classes and the school’s two-month block learning system.
A $7,500 “gold star prize” was awarded to the school who received the most views, while a separate draw was held to award the $10,000 grand prize, which Wesmor won.
STF president Patrick Maze, who came up to Wesmor on Wednesday to make the announcement, said the video brought back a lot of memories from his old high school days, and added he’s excited to see how Wesmor uses the grand prize in the future.
“I was happy to see it go to a school that I know is going to put it to good use,” he said. “I think that the students are very deserving at this school, and I look forward to hearing how they are able to use the funds.”
That’s the big question on every Wesmor students mind now that they know they’ve won. The school plans to survey each student for ideas on how to use the money. The only conditions from the STF are that it must be used for the good of all the student body. Students and staff at Wesmor have the final say in how it’s spent.
Students involved in making the video are hoping to see some technology upgrades made, but they’re open to lots of ideas.
“Chromebooks and laptops,” Skotheim said when asked where she thought the money should go. “The teachers are using each others and going to different classrooms trying to get them. We should have more carts because we use them so often. There’s actually only two carts, and there’s only 30 laptops. For a school like this, that’s not really enough.”
“Probably some more of the tech carts,” Corrigal said when asked the same question. “We have two chrome book carts, but (let’s) get another one so more classrooms can have them at once because some kids find it easier to type than write now.”