Two deaths reported in North Central zone Sunday

(File photo/Jayda Taylor)

The province reported two more deaths from COVID-19 in the North Central zone, which includes Prince Albert, on Sunday.

One individual was in their 20s and one individual was in their 80s. The number of deaths from COVID-19 in the province now sits at 31.

The province also reported another 181cases of COVID-19 on Sunday.

The North Central zone reported nine new cases.

Six cases with pending residence information were assigned with three assigned to North Central and three assigned to the North West zones.

There were 64 cases in Saskatoon, 28 in Regina, 18 in the South East, 16 in the North West, 10 in the South Central, nine in the Far North West, seven in the Far North East, six in the North East, two in the Central West and one in the Central East. There are 10 cases with pending residence information.

The Saskatoon zone leads the Active Case breakdown with 549 cases; the North Central zone is third with 214 active cases.

North Central 2, which includes Prince Albert, has 84 active cases.

North Central 1, which includes communities such as Christopher Lake, Candle Lake and Meath Park, has 121 active cases and North Central 3 has nine active cases.

Of the 5,001 reported COVID-19 cases in Saskatchewan, 1,807 are considered active, which is a record number.

The recovered number now sits at 3,163 after 63 more recoveries were reported.

The number of people in hospital is 62..

Forty-six people are currently receiving inpatient care; 25 in Saskatoon, four in the North Central and South East, three in the North East and North West, two in Regina and the South West and one in the Far North East and Far North West.

Sixteen people, seven in Saskatoon, three in North Central and Regina, two in Central East and one in the North West, are in intensive care.

The total number of cases is 5,001. Of those, 1,424 cases are from the Saskatoon area, 1,068 cases are from the north area (351 north west, 498 north central and 219 north east), 731 cases are from the Regina area, 648 cases are from the south area (256 south west, 269 south central and 123 south east), 630 cases are from the far north area (488 far north west, 31 far north central, 111 far north east) and 476 cases are from the central area (212 central west and 264 central east). There are now 24 cases that have pending residence location.

There are currently 141 cases that are health care workers; however, the source of the infections is not related to their work environments in all instances.

Of the 3,623 cases in the province: 409 cases are related to travel, 2,225 are community contacts, which includes mass gatherings, 1,063 have no known exposures and 1,304 are under investigation by local public health.

The age breakdown shows 1,036 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, 1,842 cases are in the 20-39-age range, 1,381 are in the 40-59-age range, 616 are in the 60-79-age range and 126 are in the 80-plus-age range.

The gender breakdown shows 51 per cent of the cases being females and 49 per cent being males.

Yesterday, 2,967 COVID-19 tests were processed in Saskatchewan.

As of today there have been 297,704 COVID-19 tests performed in Saskatchewan. 
