Teachers gives STF mandate to renew job sanctions if negotiations break down

Prince Albert teachers hold up signs and wave to passing drivers as the first day of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation rotating strike hit Prince Albert on Feb. 1, 2024. -- Jason Kerr/Daily Herald

Saskatchewan teachers gave the STF a renewed mandate to implement job sanctions should negotiations break down with the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee.

Roughly 83 per cent of teachers voted on May 15-16, with 95 per cent supporting further sanctions, if needed.

The results of these votes demonstrate teachers’ resolve to secure a new agreement that addresses the problem students and colleagues are facing in schools,” STF President Samantha Becotte said in a press release. “We are united in our efforts to achieve it.”

The two sides returned to the negotiating table on Wednesday afternoon, and continued talks on Thursday, according to the STF press release. Both bargaining units have agreed to meet again on Friday.

“We welcome the resumption of negotiations this week, and we are optimistic that teachers’ decisive rejection of the government’s contract offer, and this renewed sanctions mandate, will serve as a wake-up call,” Becotte said.

In the event of another impasse, the STF said, parents and school divisions would receive 48-hours notice before further job sanctions are implemented.
