Stay safe while enjoying the sun

Summer is here! The hot weather has brought outdoors to enjoy activities and the company of family and friends. While outdoors don’t forget sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses and plenty of water to drink. While we are all hopefully enjoying a summer break, don’t forget to keep safety in mind.

For some being at the cabin involves a bit of work. If using power tools please do so safely and never use near small curious children. It only takes a fraction of a second to have serious injury occur. It is a good idea to have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your cottage as well. Don’t forget the camper or motor home could also use them. If you are using anything like a generator, please ensure adequate ventilation and keep leaves and debris, things that could catch fire, clear from the generator. This week is National Drowning Prevention week. Heading to the beach or the backyard pool is a staple of summer life, but supervision of children is always a must. On a crowded beach it’s easy to lose sight of your child. Prevention a tragedy by always keeping an eye on them. Don’t forget that life jackets or personal flotation devices are a must when on the boat.

The fire pit is a great gathering point and a great place to build many memories but make sure you build one to keep the fire contained. Always have a shovel and pail of water nearby. Never head for bed or a boat ride, leaving the fire unattended. Always ensure your fire is out when you call it lights out!

Wacky weather can occur at any moment, hopefully only leaving us wet from the rain. Keep an eye to the sky and have mobile apps like Sask Alert, turned on your mobile device to receive those important alerts. If you seen potentially bad weather take shelter. In your home, head to the basement in places such as your bathroom tub covered with a blanket. When no basement exists find the center of the home, away from windows and doors such as possibly your closet. On the lake try to get to shore as quickly and as safely as possible and find any available shelter. Never seek shelter under a tree as the tree itself might be struck by lightening or fall upon you.

Summer is the time to enjoy going for a walk. Anyone of us might get separated from the rest of the group or young children might wonder off on their own adventures. If you become lost in the woods, hug a tree. This term asks you to stay where you are at and seek immediate shelter. Wondering around only creates a larger opportunity to become disorientated or travel further away from your intended destination. Stay right where you are! You should always carry a whistle and garbage bag with you when out for a hike. Of course, water, good footwear and a first aid kit are not bad ideas either. Why a garbage bag? It is small and compact for a pocket but can easily be made into a rain poncho to stay dry. A whistle is heard for a greater distance than the human voice allowing you to signal for help! Incidents can happen that may result in injury. Being prepared with a first aid kit, whistle, or other items can become very useful. Whether you are out for a walk, on the boat skiing or fishing, lounging in a chair watching the kids at the beach or backyard pool or at last getting those “projects” taken care of, please wear the gear. Be safe and have a great summer! For more information on any of the topics presented in this article contact Parkland Ambulance Care at 306-953-8358.
