Sande enters race for trustee in Catholic Division

Darryl Sande./submitted

Darryl Sande has entered the race for a trustee position in the Prince Albert Catholic School Division. Sande believes his background in governance and belief in Catholic education will make him a strong trustee.

“I have always been interested in education. When it came up this year just in discussions with friends decided that maybe that would be a good opportunity to give back to the system and try and support education in a more hands on way,” Sande said.

His governance background includes spending 17 years as a director at a credit union.

Presently his family has two children including a daughter in Grade 8 and another who graduated in 2019,

 “I believe that the faith-based education still has value. The Catholic education system teaches our children the values that our country was founded on and I believe those values are as important today as they were when our country was founded,” he explained.

He explained that his belief is that faith is a personal relationship with God. Sande gave the example of immigrant families of many faiths coming to Canada and looking for opportunities to be taught in a system that recognizes faith’s value.

“Catholic school is important to not only those of us of the Christian or Roman Catholic faith but it is also important to those of other faiths and I think it’s important that we be welcoming and embracing of others into our school system as well,” he said.

According to his biography, a responsibility of boards is to ensure children receive the highest quality education possible with the funding available. He also said he will work to improve on the quality and efficiency of our education system

Sande said his background as a credit union will give him an insight into the role that a boar d can serve.

 “It’s  a board so it is our role to provide oversight to the division in general and it’s important for people on the board to recognize what their role is and make sure that we are operating within the guidelines of good corporate or board governance. We are not there to micromanage,” he said.

His overall philosophy involves support for education as a whole.

“Education is important. I think it is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children and I just want to play my part in being able to support the system that’s delivering that here in Prince Albert,” Sande said.

The Prince Albert Catholic School Division board of education trustee elections are on Monday, Nov. 9.
