Province reports 29 new COVID-19 cases, 11 in communal living setting outside Saskatoon

No new deaths have been reported.

Saskatchewan’s active case count of COVID-19 remained at 165 on Tuesday as the province reported 29 new cases and 29 more recoveries.

The new cases are located in Saskatoon (17), Regina (four), South West (four), South Central (three) and North West (one) zones.

Of the 17 new cases in the Saskatoon area, 11 are in a communal living setting outside of the city.

The new figures bring the total number of cases reported in the province since the beginning of the pandemic to 1,479, along with 1,294 recoveries.

The location of one case is pending.

Eleven people with COVID-19 are in hospital as of Tuesday, opposed to 13 on Monday. Six people are receiving inpatient care. Of the five patients in the intensive care unit, one is in the North Central region.

The North Central area’s number of active cases is the same as the past few days, according to the New and Active Cases by Health Zone breakdown.

Prince Albert, North Central 2, has no active cases. The North Central 1 zone, made up of communities north of the city such as Christopher Lake, Candle Lake and Meath Park, have four active cases. The North Central 3 zone, consisting of communities like Duck Lake, Hague, Rosthern and St. Louis, have no active cases.

The Regina zone has the highest number of active cases at 34, followed by Saskatoon at 29.

As of Tuesday, 113,972 COVID-19 tests have been performed in Saskatchewan. On Monday, 927 tests were performed.

According to the news release, the Saskatchewan Health Authority is working to increase testing capacity to 3,000 tests per day by the middle of August and 4,000 tests per day by the beginning of September.

Testing is available to anyone who requests it, regardless of whether or not you have symptoms. Referrals are available through HealthLine 811 or your physician.
