The City of Prince Albert announced on Thursday that more city facilities will be opening in the month of July. Many were closed in mid-March due to Provincial restrictions to assist in stopping the spread of the coronavirus. They are now allowed to re-open adhering to the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan and the current parts of Phase 4 that were announced by the province on Tuesday.
Spray Parks on track to open July 3
Installation and testing of City of Prince Albert Spray parks is now complete. Spray Parks will be open for the summer on Friday, July 3 beginning at 11:00 a.m.
The hours for all spray parks will be 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily, including weekends. There will be a Staff Supervisor at the spray parks during these hours to provide guidance to make sure the regulations are adhered to by the public as per the Provincial Guidelines.
The Spray Parks open Friday include: Crescent Acres, Kinsmen Park, Midtown, Miller Hill, West Hill and Westview.
The new Alfred’s Spray Park in Lions Park is still under construction and will open later in the summer.
Prince Albert Arts Centre reopens next Monday
The Prince Albert Arts Centre is set to reopen Monday, July 6. The Arts Centre is open Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Arts Centre will be offering mostly outdoor and some indoor programming for July and August. Room rentals are also available with reduced gathering sizes. The Summer Program Guide will be posted on the city’s website
Museums also reopen on Monday, July 6
The Prince Albert Historical Society operates the Historical Museum, Diefenbaker House, Education and Police Museums and will re-open them all Friday, July 10. They’ll be open from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily, including weekends.
Alfred Jenkins Field House Re-Opens Monday, July 13
The Alfred Jenkins Field House will re-open on Monday, July 13 and will operate for the months of July and August from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.
Fitness programs will be offered both inside and outside around the Field House.
Programs will be posted on the city’s website.
Mann Art Gallery and E.A. Rawlinson Centre for the Arts
The City has approved the re-opening plans from the Mann Art Gallery, which is located in the E.A. Rawlinson Centre. The Mann Art Gallery will be re-opening the week of July 16 with modified hours. Please visit for more details.
The E.A. Rawlinson Centre for the Arts is planning to execute a modified Summer Broadway North Program Development Camp in August. Information is available on
The EA Rawlinson Centre is also working on plans for other events throughout the summer and into the Fall season. Further announcements will be released at a later date according to the city’s release.
More updates on the re-opening of other City facilities will be available once corresponding information and dates from the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan are available.