Premier thanks province’s mothers

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe. (Herald file photo)

Premier Scott Moe delivered an emotional end to Friday’s daily COVID-19 media update as he reflected on his family.

The premier’s voice shook slightly as he said the word “mom.”

Moe won’t see his mother this weekend. Nor will he get a chance to visit with another important mom in his life.

“I will not be spending this mother’s day with my mom or the mother of my children and I would take this very selfish opportunity to wish them a very happy Mother’s Day,” he said.

Mother’s day is Sunday.

Friday’s press conference also included an update on what people can do for their mothers who are being cared for inside long-term or other care facilities over the weekend.

Visitors’ restrictions remain in place, but the province said Friday that the Saskatchewan Health Authority has determined that flowers from a florist and dry paper gifts are not an infection risk.

That means that purchased floral arrangements and things such as cards, letters, nooks, photos and artwork are allowed. Flowers will not be allowed in some acute care settings, such as intensive care units, due to possible allergies.

Mother’s Day “is going to look very different for all of us,” Moe said.

While some will get to wish their mothers a happy Mother’s Day thanks to guidelines that allow for extended households to meet, many aren’t so lucky.

“Many are going to be wishing their mothers a Happy Mother’s Day through telephone or Facetime or through a glass window if they’re in a long-term care facility,” he continued.

“To the … mothers in this province I would say thank you. Thank you for all you do.”
