Not as many new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in the North Central region on Sept. 11 as the previous several days, but 47 cases were still added to make the active load 632 cases. There were 41 people in the hospital, a reduction of two from the day before.
No new deaths were reported in the region, but provincially, one more person died.
Also reported for Sept. 11 were 240 daily new tests and 268 additional doses of vaccine, with less than one-half of those second doses, meaning that first doses are increasing.
So far, 100,537 doses have been administered at 46,928 people are fully vaccinated.
Provincially, there were 341 new confirmed cases of COVID-19, bringing the total to 58,293 reported cases.
The new cases are located in the Far North West (25), Far North Central (1), Far North East (29), North West (43), North Central (47), North East (17), Saskatoon (78), Central West (11), Central East (15), Regina (22), South West (5), South Central (7) and South East (18) zones and 23 new cases have pending residence information
Twenty-two (22) cases with pending location were assigned to the Far North Central (from Sept 9 (1)), Far North East (from Sept 8 (2), Sept 9 (5)), North West (from Sept 7(1)), North Central (from Sept 7 (5), Sept 8 (1), Sept 9 (3)), North East (from Sept 9 (2)), Central West (from Sept 9 (1)), and Regina (from Sept 8 (1)) zones and in total 58,293 cases are confirmed.
Of those, 14,060 cases are from the Saskatoon area with the North remaining in second position with 13,617 cases (5,689 North West, 5,856 North Central, 2,072 North East)
Further south,12,676 cases are from the Regina area while 7,212 cases are from the Far North area (3,420 Far North West, 512 Far North Central, 3,280 Far North East).
Outside of the capital city, 6,630 cases are from the South area (1,344 South West, 2,106 South Central, 3,180 South East) and 3,751 cases are from the Central area (1030 Central West, 2,721 Central East).
The province is also working on confirming residency information on 347 cases.
As of Sept, 11, 3,588 cases are considered active and 54,087 cases are considered recovered.
Over one-third (36.1 per cent) of new cases are in the 19 years and under age category and only one in ten (12.3 per) new cases was fully vaccinated.
As of September 11th, a total of 198 individuals are hospitalized; including 155 inpatient hospitalizations and 43 ICU hospitalizations. Of the 198 patients, 153 (77.3 per cent) were not fully vaccinated.
One (1) new death reported today means 618 Saskatchewan residents with COVID-19 have died with a case fatality rate of 1.1 per cent.
1,059,570 COVID-19 tests have been performed in the province.
As of September 9, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers are available from PHAC, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 891,625 tests performed per million. The national rate was 1,087,342 tests performed per million.
The 7-day average of new COVID-19 case numbers was 364 (30.2 new cases per 100,000).